Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Foolish Photo Contest

All I have to advise is, don't even think about it! I mean, don't even consider letting the thought flick through your brain for even just a split milisecond. I will lose my shit. I know.... it's April Fools Day but I guarantee you one thing, if anyone even attempts to punk me this morning I will be so royally pissed off, I might even cry. Perhaps I'm writing this now because I'm tired and in an hour or so I'll feel more alive. I also have my nice mug of tea sitting here, and I can smell it but it's too hot to sip on yet. What a tease... All I know is, I make a fool of myself most days anyway without anyone else's help. Haha, No need to make today super special.

---- I had to insert an edit here to add that at 8:00am this morning by dad got me really good with an April Fools stunt. He's just too good and I totally fell for it!! Aghhhhh hahahaha

So, I have entered little baby girl Remy in Canadian Living's loveable pet photo contest. Now, realistically so have a million other people, BUT. Turns out, people can vote once a day for the entire month of April so I thought maybe I'd request it of my friends out there to help? I'd like to say I'm planning on doing something nobel with the award money but really, I haven't put any thought into it. If they donate any dog food I'd give that to the SPCA. There are 2 pictures of her entered, so here is how you vote: You simply have to click on one of these links! Thank you for your vote!

Now you may notice the first picture at the top, where she is being goofy, is a little cut off. Well, I was fooling around with taking her photo before bed (because that's the only time she's tired enough to slow down for a second) and I managed this silly face gem. However, I had no pants on. The photo showed my entire bare leg up to parts that aren't up for discussion. But the picture was so cute! So I attempted to cut myself out of it in hopes of making it a little more Canadian Living friendly.

I've started an experiment. Every morning on my breakfast I sprinkle a single packet of bran buds. Rob wants to know why and if I'm having any side effects he should be aware of. I told him I was pretty certain if I were having side effects, he'd already be aware of them without asking. They are supposed to be healthy for you. No harm in trying right? Well, today was only day 2 of the experiment so I suppose I will find out soon enough. They aren't all that tasty though. Less flavour than crunchy dirt bits.


  1. mmmmmmm crunchy dirt bits....

    remy is awful cute. I'll be sure to vote for her

  2. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you!!! hehe I know it's silly but heck, it's all in good fun
