Cloud of ash eh? Doesn't that sound ominous. I bet it's great for the Eurorail system though! Yet, at the same time I'm thinking chaos at the airport terminals worldwide. Even worse, the cloud continues to grow and take over the entire continent. I'm not exaggerating. They are warning the volcanic ash cloud could continue for another 48hrs. Well, I happened to look this up and saw that the last time this particular volcano errupted was 200 years ago and at that time it continued to spew for 18months. So, imagine the pandemonium if you couldn't fly in and out of the UK for a year! I don't think that is something we would be capable of dealing with very well, as society. We aren't really good with change, especially the unpredictable kind. Volcanic ash takes out airplane engines. Nasty.

Bahaha -
The more you unpeel this onion, the more it stinks - that was a quote I just heard on tv in regards to the Guergis matter. That's awesome!
Well, Happy Friday to everyone! After I drove Rob to work this morning, on my way home this cute, catchy little ditty came on the radio and I was enjoying the positive fun. In fact, even once I got home and backed into the driveway I was bopping up and down just sitting in the seat....... until I realized how rediculous I must look. This girl bouncing around in the driver's seat of her truck. So I giggled and got out of the truck and into the house without anymore sillyness but a smile on my face.
As for my painful errand yesterday, I'm happy to report that I survived. It took less than 30 mins and now I'm good to go. A little tenderness and inability to have a bath for the next little while but otherwise we are in the clear and I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief.
When I was getting ready for bed last night, I saw that Rob had left his can of shave gel on the counter. No big deal. But then I saw it and have decided it was the coolest thing I discovered all day. Did you know that shave gel cans now have 'scratch and sniff' on them? Y

aha! Ever wonder what something smells like? I mean, there are so many scents (just ask Axe) that you'd be standing in the drug store or grocery store maybe pulling the cap off and trying to sniff. Especially with shave gel, cause unlike shampoo or shower gel, shave gel is compressed and if you try to press the button to smell it you're going to make a mess in your hand. Enter scratch and sniff can!! And you know I had to test it out. Sure enough, I scratched my nail over that little rough spot and I smelled mansmell. Nifty!! Then I put it under the counter where it belongs hehehe.
I hope that everyone has a superfantastic weekend! I'm planning on planting some seeds to leave inside, covered in plastic and hopefully they will turn into seedlings.
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