Sunday, April 11, 2010

Creative Statistics

The easter lily has almost bloomed her last bloom, however I decided that before she ate the cake I would take a last photo - hence the new banner at the top. I like it. Classic.

Meanwhile, I'm writing this on sunday evening because I'm actually not likely to have time in the morning. This isn't a complaint, however I know a few of you will be looking for a read with your tea tomorrow and I wouldn't want you to go on disappointed. (or perhaps I just foolishly let myself believe that this is the case).

As it turns out, lucky us were randomly selected by statistics canada to take part in a household spending survey. Sure, this might not sound like a bit deal but it's more complicated than it seems. First, a nice lady showed up at our door unexpectedly, knocked and upon our opening informed us of our new, esteemed social status - randomly selected participant. Next, she came in and proceeded to interview me for about 3o mins on everything from my cell phone bill to shampoo. So far, not so bad and borderline entertaining.

However, there's a final request..... for 2 weeks I have to keep an expense diary. In this I have to keep track of all expenditures from cups of coffee to groceries to fuel to everything. Now, she gave me the chance to back out but I would have to justify with a reasonable explanation. I don't have one. and yet, the idea that I'm going to give the government a list of everything I purchase for two weeks somehow creeps me out. I don't want them to know what I do with my money. It's my money, I can do what I want with it. Even better, it's not anonymous. They made sure that they had all our personal information, birthdate etc. On top of everything else, it's not just keeping tack of my purchases but Robert's as well! What the hell...... so now every evening we sit down and attempt to recall all the pennies we spent that day into their little book spreadsheet. Yippeee us! I feel so lucky already, now I'll just wait till I roll up the win to win a rav4! hehe

While viewing my friend Gail's blog on the weekend I noticed she had a jazzed up new backdrop. In the corner was a tiny link to and I have to tell you, I was intrigued. Inspired even, to the point of spending two hours at 6am this morning trying out new backgrounds. Unfortunately, they are not formatted yet for blogspot (what I use to write this) however they do work just in a squishy, chopped off sort of way. Therefore, I had to try out alot of them to see how they would look in my blog. After testing out probably, oh I don't know, 2 dozen I came to my final conclusion. I will keep the same black I originally had... hahaha. Priceless. I like simple, what can I say. But it wasn't a total waste of time! I became inspired to update my banner and I slightly altered my fonts. WIZARD!

I trust everyone had a fantastic weekend and didn't blow away in all the wind! Happy Monday to everyone, wishing you a wonderful week ahead! Has anyone ever watched the show Glee?


  1. Hey I had the stats lady come to my apartment last year. Did the same interview but didnt have to do a spending journal. Thats a little creepy.

    Glee is one of the most wonderfuly lovely shows I've ever seen. I think I've cried at just about every episode. It warms my heart like nothing else

  2. When does it come on? .... why do you cry? sad or laughing?
