While sitting in the drivethru tonight, waiting for Rob's double-double, I saw something thought provoking: black, fuzzy dice hanging from a rearview mirror. Now, I began to think to myself why? Which I followed up with, what kind of car would I have to drive that I would feel motivated to hang fuzzy dice from my rearview mirror? Well, that's the question of the day isn't it.

So what do you think? Corvette? Vintage volkswagen? Old school beater corolla? And what color dice would you want? I mean these I saw were black, but I'm pretty sure they come in all colors. And perhaps, it's more about who you are carrying in the car. If I was a minivan driving soccer mom with a vehicle full of kids, perhaps I'd hang a set for fun and let the youngsters pick the color. Sure they are funky, and I'm all about fun... but I'm not sure I'm gonna buy the next pair of fuzzy dice I see, I'm pretty sure that's not my idea of cute.
While sitting there, in the truck, pondering this furry cubed dilemma, I saw something else mind inspiring: a skateboarder in skinny skinny jeans. I'm not sure even where to start with that visual oxymoron. First of all, skateboarders can't wear skinny jeans, they have to wear abnormally baggy pants with their boxers hanging out and their wallets on chains. This is a very specific, strict stereotype and there's very little room for versatility here. It's textbook. Then there is the skinny jean issue.
First of all, they can't be real jean material because denim would never have such stretching capabilities. These things are glued on to the ankles, ending above the canvas or oversized kicks. Unless they were painted on they stretched. That's where the stretching ends though because the butt hangs loose and flat enough you couldn't determine shape if you even felt inclined to try. WHY is my question, why. There is nothing flattering about this look. About 1 out of 100,000 people look good in these pants, and the population of Corner Brook is significantly smaller than this. Perhaps that is why I have yet to see anyone around here doing themselves a favour by this wardrobe choice.
I've decided Trudy's advice on the potted snow peas is brilliant! Are the seeds you use anything special or just regular Cdn Tire variety? Also, after more discussion with Rob and a few hours of sunshine this morning for lawn charting, I've put together an idea. We are going to build an above-ground box to contain the garden. This will make it neat, self contained and less likely to be urinated on or dug up by animals. He's gung-ho. I also picked up 2 gardening books from the library. They seem quite old, but alas I had no idea which titles would be worth inquiring after so I just randomly grabbed them.

Something like this!
Ok, well this is my wednesday post on a tuesday night because through some fluke scheduling mistake we get to sleep in! YAY! Hope everyone else has a great wednesday morning too!
ReplyDeleteWe buy the seeds at Walmart or Cdn Tire, one of my gardening books recommends "Oregon Giant" variety for big pods and mildew resistant. The garden design is perfect, just remember the snow pea is a climber, can get to 3' or more, and they will need something to cling to. You can always plant the peas in a u-shape inside the perimeter and plant something else in the middle. Garlic grows well, and you only need a few to last all fall. I expect you would enjoy herbs too, I have been cooking with the same pot of chives since I lived in Grand Falls, put them under the deck in the Fall and by Spring: voila, they're back. You got me all ready to hit the garden! Can't wait now....