Happy Monday!
We had a sick little Remy last night and this morning. I saw it coming though, the animals and I were over on the beach waiting for sockboy (my hunny) to finish up in the office yesterday afternoon. Remy has a habit of putting things in her mouth, chewing them up and spitting them out. I attribute this to her being 4 months old. The downside was that yesterday she found some algae seaweed and started chewing on it. So salty I could smell it from feet away, I assumed she'd spit it out. No way man, that'd be too smart. She was swallowing it down as fast as she could eat it! BLECH.
Now that's called a guilty face if I've ever seen one!
Bear just having an adventure
Oh and just as predicted yesterday, I decided to spend my one a day treat yesterday on an oatcake from Brewed. Now, I know that alot of you may not know what that is - it's my favorite coffeeshop in town!
This is the interior of Brewed Awakening, home of awesome Green Tea and Milk Steamers!
(I'm sure other beverages are fantastic too, those are just the ones I like the best)
And this is the super delicious oatcake I had for my snack! Oh man, it was heaven:
Which takes us round circle, because I was enjoying my milk steamer and oatcake while out with the dogs on the beach - probably leading to part of the reason I didn't notice the little baby girl ingesting seaweed. OOPS
Oh, I also got a brace to try out today for my knee! We've been waiting for it to arrive, and one arrived for me last week that wasn't actually 100% right-on. It would appear that perhaps the plaster was too soft in the leg cast we sent in, and the resulting brace wasn't a perfect fit. So, we immediately remeasured everything and send in the request for another (in a slightly less-flashy color I might add), and in the meantime we've decided to try to make this one work. I seemed to have hurt my knee dog walking on sunday, so I'm open to trying this one today. Although I have to tell ya, it's definitely going to take some getting used to.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful monday! Peggy and Amy came through on the used scrabble game for some crafting later in the week. That's going to be fun and I promise to keep you posted on it!
I'm going to leave you with a quote that I came across last night:
"Great minds talk about ideas; small minds talk about people" - Eleanor Roosevelt
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