Happy sunday everyone!
I realized that I forgot to mention in yesterday's post about how my "one sugar per day" challenge is coming along. Friday was the first day, and would you believe I actually never ate my treat? It was, in fact, an accident. I had ample opportunity, especially because we spent time at Rob's Mom's and she has a houseful. The issue was that I knew if I ate something that treat would be my last. So I was putting it off, it was a golden egg that I got to look forward to all day friday. Nope, not going to have that now, I'm gonna have my sweet later. Then later came and it just never happened. Hehe, oops! Not a bad thing at all.
Then came saturday. Now I didn't go over my "one per day" limit but I definitely fulfilled it. I finally caved and splurged on an item that I'd previously seen but avoided like the plague. In my defence, I didn't eat the entire thing. Rob wholeheartedly agreed to split it with me. I was pretty sure that eating a full one would definitely constitute more than "one". Before we devoured, I had the self control to take a picture with my blackberry so I could show you how rediculous it was. Hello Candy Bar Supreme Donut:
Yes there's actually a donut under there, and fresh enough to fall apart if we lifted it off the bag too. Donut, chocolate fondant and crushed M&Ms. How rediculous?! It was my April Christmas present to me, and I only would touch half! (So proud of me!). I haven't had today's sweet gift to me yet, perhaps when we walk the animals later I will grab an oatcake from the coffeeshop.
While I was scrubbing the bathroom a little while ago, I was thinking about the high depression rates up inside the arctic circle. Here in Corner Brook it's not unusual for us to go weeks without seeing the sun. It has to do with the way the island is positioned against the Gulf and how the wind brings us cloud. I was trying to describe to my friend how after weeks of no sun, and cold weather it can be difficult to motivate yourself to go outside and get stuff done. I think if this is something you've never experienced, you wouldn't realize how much we depend on sunshine to bring life, both to the earth and in our hearts. There is a high depression rate where I live, and from here north I belive the levels go up. I still saw snow this morning out walking the dogs. Instead of us going on an outing this afternoon we decided instead to lay low a little. I popped in some tunes and scrubbed a bit while the hubby went down and split some wood for fire kindling. It's a nice cozy alternative, even if I feel slightly guilty because I feel like I should be doing something outside on a weekend. Here's a picture I just took from our kitchen, typical day in Corner Brook!
See the light sky over the mountains? Alot of times it a nice tease for us here in the bay, because the clouds don't always cover the mountains and we can often see nicer skies farther away... hehe.

Romance is always a wonderful thing :o)