Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's Tuesday

The bike is sold! Well sorta. In all ways that matter it is, although I don't have the money yet. My little brother (the one that I love so much) has decided that he's going to have it. So that's that, now I just have to go around today, email interested parties back with the news and remove the classifieds ads. Thank god he lives in Halifax, so he won't have to deal with Rapid Power Sports for servicing - they are a reason to never buy a kawasaki again.

I finished the Sookie Stackhouse boxet - 8 books in about 1.5 weeks. They were so entertaining though, I was giggling out loud. Apparently there are 2 books that have been published since the boxset though, so I'm going to look later today and see if the library has them. Then the next stop after that is tracking down the tv show. Does anyone have True Blood on dvd I could borrow?

I've decided I want to grow some vegetables this summer. I know I need to get oganized on this, as spring is here, which is why I am planning on starting the research today. I need to actually take the time to figure out where the sun travels through our property throughout the day. I know, you are wondering how complicated this could possibly be, but we have a quirk. We live below a concrete wall and it messes up the path of the sunshine. However, I need a sunshiney day to come along so I can check it out. I was planning on keeping it simple. I'm not going to plant in the ground yet, but was going to use planters if possible. This way they are more easily moved if light becomes an issue. I was planning on planting some lettuce for sure, and my aunt is recommending onions. I know tomatoes make a nice vine, but we don't actually eat them really so it would seem a waste. I like cucumbers, but Rob doesn't. Most of our vegetables lately consist of leafy greens of sorts so I figure those would do well in planters. (Plus, in planters they are up off the ground and less likely to be dog peed on). I also figure that planters would make it hard to grow vegetables that come from the ground (tubers?) like turnips, potatoes and carrots. Thoughts?

Also, I don't recommend going to get groceries 8am on a monday morning. You think you're being smart, but really it's just gonna kick you in the butt. Sure, there's no one in the store, and you don't have to deal with the crowds of the weekend. However, Dominion is filled with pallets of unopened boxes and the shelves are empty. You are stuck with the selection leftover from the weekend hustle. Perhaps I shouldn't call it 'selection', it's more like the discards lol.

And the vatican has finally forgiven The Beatles for John Lennon's comment about being more popular than Jesus........ whew well now I'm glad THAT'S resolved. HA


  1. (Trudy Tobin)
    We plant snow peas every year, in deep planters. They need something to cling to as they grow upwards as they are a vine really, but awesome results, the more you pick them, the more they yield. We usually get ours in by May 24, takes 40 odd days to get some ready to pick, but once you start, you can pick every other day until late September. Good Luck!

  2. yay for the bike staying in the family... I know how much you loved that thing :o)

  3. Trudy, that's a great idea! We love snow peas! Where do you get your seeds from? Are they just regular seeds you'd get at Cdn Tire or something special? Thanks!
