There are 35,000 stray dogs in Moscow, and they ride the subway system to get around town! The scientists are talking about their ability to adapt, how they've peacefully integrated themselves in with society. Yes, alot of people don't like it but the zoologist interviewed on CTV was saying how it seems even the dogs know when in confined spaces (like subway cars) they have to act very tame and loveable. They are implying the dogs know when to get on the subway and when to get off. I'm not sure they are purposely getting off at a certain top like they were implying but heck, it's a cute idea! The video footage was enjoyable as well.

I was chatting online with Gail yesterday morning, telling her about my latest interest in antique jewellery. I even warned Rob should we, ahem, I mean when we win the lotto I would like to become a collector LOL. Meanwhile, this brought up the topic of brooches. Do you wear brooches? I remember my mom owning some. Yet, I really wouldn't know what to do with one myself. Gail suggested that she's seen elderly women use the brooch to hold a scarf together, which makes sense. I've seen in movies where they used brooches as clothing jewellery, for example where clothing folds come together in the bosom area they would put a brooch there. And yet, if I owned one would I wear it? I mean, I'm not aiming for attention in the bosom area, and I don't wear scarfs. I suggested that perhaps you could adapt it nicely to put in your hair? But then again, we wouldn't call that a brooch I don't think. I'm pretty sure if I had a brooch I'd spend too much time being indecisive about where exactly to tack it on my shirt.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A new gadget has been released that I find chuckleworthy. I love my Kindle, it was such a fantastic present and it makes me happy ALL THE TIME. Well, in response to the popularity of the Kindle (which is an Amazon product), the Indigo/Chapters team have introduced the Kobo. Now check out these photos, because I'm not sure if it's obvious that the kobo seems an obvious ripoff of the kindle. It doesn't have all the features of the kindle, but it's cheaper. Hmmmmmmm........ not cool, they couldn't come up with something more original? Or at least make it a different color? Come on!

Great news yesterday! The library called me and a book I've been waiting for was in! YAY!! Now you might be wondering, if I wanted to read the book so badly why didn't I just go buy it. Well, my friendly fellows, it's not available yet in bookstores. I'm thinking our library must have somehow capitalized on the earlier release date in the USA, which is why I didn't mind putting myself on the list at the library to get it when it became available. Even waiting a few weeks, I'm still getting to read it sooner! It's the final installation in the "Millennium Series" which started with "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". AMAZING BOOKS.
Speaking of which... I think I'm going to go grab it and read a bit!
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