Happy Friday Everyone!
We went to a puppy birthday party last evening! Yup, we had to rsvp that our two animals would be attending and they were even given loot bags! Our pitbull buddy Diesel turned 1 yr old, what a big silly goose he is. Here's a picture I lifted off of Julia's fb of her and Diesel. (If you or Phil are reading this, hope you don't mind me showing off your little boy! hehe)
I was really happy with how well Remy did. In the past I think she found Diesel a little intimidating and spent alot of time cowering with her tail between her legs. However, we've been working really hard to socialize her and this time she was in the field with probably 8 or 10 full sized, very hyper big dogs and she had her tail up almost the entire time! Because she was the baby, she didn't really jump into the roughhousing but she wasn't hiding or scared either. I was so proud! Bear, on the other hand, ended up in the truck. It was just a little too overwhelming and rough for him and he was getting stressed out.
I didn't bring my camera because I felt like it was an event I'd be better off having two free hands for.
Oh, and the new knee brace is alot more comfortable. Thank goodness! So we will see how it all works out but at least it doesn't cause me physical pain to wear it, unlike the last one. I'm sure you will agree that the white is a whole lot nicer than the flashy blue, too!

Last night while I was getting ready for bed guess what? The sun came out! Better late than never. So I decided to grab a couple photos in between brushing my teeth, getting the dogs settled etc. As you know, the view from our deck is the best part of our little house!
Now I know you may be looking at that last photo and saying to yourself "3 suns" ? Well you see, it was taken through glass, not a camera glitch. I had already officially gone to bed, but had to hop out of bed to go do something right quick before I forgot. As I was streaking past the patio doors I saw the almost-end of the sunset and just HAD to take one more photo. So I grabbed my camera out of the case on the table and removed the lens cap to snap one more. Now, here I was with no clothes on trying to take a sunset picture. I felt like I just couldn't open the patio door, although in hindsight standing up against it probably wasn't much improvement to my neighbors' potential viewpoint. Also, it was cold out and I wasn't properly insulated. Either way, that's why you'll just have to accept the flawed photo as it is.
As I was crawling back into bed, my wonderful boyfriend never made one comment about the fact I had just done something slightly off kilter. Nope, he's used to my quirkiness by now (although I'm sure if I were looking in the room at the time I would've seen massive eyeball rolling). I told him that the way I see it, there's a Naked News show, and a Naked Chef show, maybe they should have a Naked Photographer show! Although, the Naked News you have to pay for and I'm pretty sure the Naked Chef actually wears clothes. Haha
Well, speaking of no clothes, I just came across this picture and have decided it's going to be my blog friday gift for the ladies out there. Heck men too, if any of you are so inclined. Hope that everyone has an absolutely lovely weekend!
*snickers* mike and I have a naked TV night.. lol