When someone mentions the word Aura to you, do you shrug it off as poppycock or do you nod your head in agreement? I believe in energy. I'm certain that subconsciously we give off energies in some undefined way, that can be picked up and understood by animals, not just people. This is not necessarily a contrary look to your face, but a reflection of your deepest thoughts and inhibitions. Perhaps the aura is simply a less visible mood ring of the soul. Testing has proven how although we are not aware of pheromones, and are unable to recognise them when present, they effect us none the less. Couldn't an aura be the same scientology? A presence that surrounds us, a reflection of who we are. As for color, when people speak of the color of your aura, to me that is just a visual representation of your demeanor. Perhaps Blue for serene and peaceful, Yellow or Gold could be for happiness, Black for hurtful. Would Red be love or anger? All I'm saying is, I don't believe the concept to be so far fetched it would fall into a magical realm.
I still grind my teeth, and I had no idea. I was certain this was a habit one kicked as a kid. I remember my mom waking me up when I was young, telling me to stop grinding my teeth cause it was interrupting her sleep. I suppose that I just assumed after all the years of endless braces, headgear and retainers that I had dropped the habit all together. I was wrong. However, this would explain why sometimes lately I wake up in the morning with a sore jaw. I had thought that perhaps it was simply the angle I was sleeping at. However, Rob has informed me that some nights I still grind my teeth. When I asked him what it sounds like, he paused and then answered "Like that". "Like what?" I said, " I never heard anything". "Oh", he replied, "Well, it sounds like teeth grinding". My eloquent lover.... haha
I am spreading around the plight of my friend Andrew, hoping that by doing so it will help him in some small way. We went to high school together, and I think he's so talented and wonderful (*jealousy is a bitch..... jk!). He has directed award winning films already, and recently graduated from the American Film Institute in California. He's looking to address the staggering, but seemingly underaddressed issue of suicide in Japan and needs funds. Andrew has even already secured the professional backup he needs, it's just a matter of money now. So please, if you have the means to help his project that would be fantastic.

You can go here to read more info : http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/675050414/suicide-and-japan-contribute-to-a-filmmaker-making
P.s. You do not use stale bread to make bread crumbs, you take fresh bread and bake it in the oven on a low temperature to dry it out. Then, you smash a rolling pin over top and voila!
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