Friday, December 31, 2010


Well, it's all over for another year. When people ask how my Christmas was, my first response is


and then my second, after thought is always

too short!

Maybe that's the way it is in retail. I think perhaps we are the first to begin the Christmas movement every year, and so we feel the buildup for quite some time.

If I weren't going to work this morning, I would probably begin to take down the tree. Perhaps that's what I will do with part of my day off tomorrow. Removing ornaments, one at a time.... 

and we still have to watch our annual Love, Actually movie... just haven't found the chance yet this year!
But considering I own a copy and save it just for the holidays, I want to make the time.
Maybe will do that tomorrow too!

The Christmas Card Contest isn't over yet either. We extended the cutoff to Olde Christmas Day, because of so many issues with the ferry and canada post.
However, mom's still ahead by I think 2 cards.


I trust that everyone had a lovely Christmas. My dad was here for a few days, he arrived on Boxing Day and left last night. We got to share our good news with him in person, which I was really looking forward too. I'm always sad to see him go. Had to fight back the tears as I saw him pull his van away down the road. You never realize how much you miss someone, until you spend time with them and then you part ways again. I love my dad so much.

So one last Merry Christmas everyone!

and of course



Thursday, December 30, 2010


I love my hunny, have I ever told you?

I've truly never been so happy in my entire life. Probably didn't know I could be!
Well he gave me a special birthday present this year.
He asked to be with me forever.

I said yes

Have I mentioned that I never thought I could be so happy?!


Saturday, December 25, 2010


Sitting here with my hunny, watching The Expendables and enjoying the time with my dogs and my man. It has been a perfect Christmas so far, and Santa spoiled me rotten!      

 I got gifts that I didn't even know I wanted! My hunny is brilliant, no wonder I'm so madly in love with him. Plus he got me things to make my everyday life easier and better. What more could a girl ask for? And not to mention my friends are amazing. I love you all very much!

 And we can't forget how much Bear loves presents. While we were down at my hunny's parents Christmas Eve night he just couldn't help himself. I doubt he really tried though, but was all over exploring the gifts under the tree. We are just lucky he didn't try to open any, including the few wrapped up bones his nan and pop had for him and his sister.

Remy is starting to feel more like herself. She still isn't through her heat cycle, but it's nice to see her coming around a little and taking interest again.

After we opened our gifts and had the customary Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, it was down to my hunny's parents for Christmas morning (aka spoiling me rotten) part 2!

I hope they liked the gifts we gave them, but I'm pretty sure they did.
I know we LOVE the things they gave us.
They never forget the important things like socks and toothpaste.
It's awesome!

oh and this new camera takes WAY better pictures, including these great wide angle shots!

So overall my Christmas Day was perfect.
and most importantly

Hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas!


p.s. You can add "chocolate" to that list. Ha!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So, yesterday I had such a fantastic day, it was perfect!

For celebration dinner, we took our family of four (us and the two dogs, of course!) down to my hunny's parent's place and they had balloons for me!

Yes those are her Christmas cards hanging above the balloons. Some of them. I figure she didn't cover them up on purpose..... hehe... she's only ahead by 1~ however I think all our mail is stuck on the other side of the gulf. No ferries running for a few days now.

I love balloons! Bear isn't so keen on them.

We ordered chinese food for the birthday girl supper, and followed that up with an ice cream cake from Marc's Confectionery, up the road. I gotta tell you, they just started making these and I hadn't known anyone that had one. Hunny surprised me with it, and it was REALLY good!
(We no longer have a Dairy Queen, so he had to find something else....)
I am so impressed!
I might've had two pieces! :)

Oh! And I got some pretty fantastic gifts, including tea supplies, a rotating picture frame and a REALLY nice Victoria's Secret gift box. Oh ya, there was a nice sweater inside of it! Hunny's mom gave me a sweater too. Can't wait to wear those to work! However, waaaaaay up on the neat scale was my hunny's dad's gift. He gave me real, handmade, seal skin slippers. All I can say is c o m f o r t a b l e! They rock!

I also received some great birthday cards, although I haven't taken a picture of them all yet. Very notable were my hunny's card (which was perfectly sappy and I LOVED it!) and my dad's card that called me his best friend.

What more could a girl ask for?
Hope you all have a great day!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


There's a movie I watched in theatres awhile back, and at the time thought it sickeningly sweet. Gag me.

Now I rather love it. Funny how perspectives change.

It's called The Holiday.

" I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting." What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I am more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. "

Now, it isn't my ALL TIME FAVORITE Christmas movie, but it's fun. Watch it, or you're welcome to borrow my copy. I have it on now while I drink tea and do some wrapping. *Hugs*



Good morning everyone! Did anyone see last night's rare lunar eclipse happening on the winter solstice? Ya, I didn't bother to get up for it either. Apparently the last time this occurred was in 1638. I wonder if the moon really did look red, and what all this means for my BIRTHDAY today!

When I woke I had the big debate, do I wait and open my couple gifts with my hunny when he gets off work suppertime, or do I just dig in? Now, in case you're wondering, I didn't getup with him before work to celebrate because that was 3am! I closed last night, so I wasn't much good for anything at that point this morning.

and the wild birthday party has already begun!


Poor girl is still feeling miserable, and Bear is just not a morning person. What can I say....

And for those of you that were wondering, the Christmas card count is up to 18! Now, mom is also tied at 18 but there are a few days left and I'm feeling confident. So people, if you get a chance - drop one off! Mom says I'm cheating, I say I'm making up for the age gap. HA.

As the best birthday present EVER, I'm off work today. Yes I have lots to do, no I haven't started any of it. Yes I'm going to enjoy relaxing, no I'm not going to wrap all your gifts for you.
Will let you know how it goes!


Thursday, December 16, 2010


We have no snow. Sad.

Got it. The inevitable headache has hit, always the morning after I work a late night. After this week there is only one more week of Christmas hours - woot! - which means Christmas is next week too! Can you believe it?

I need more cards.

In case you haven't figured it out (Auntie actually did last night - smart cookie), I'm in a contest. My hunny's mom and I are racing to see who gets the most Christmas cards. She's not very aware of this contest, perhaps entirely as a result of her confidence in winning.

My hunny and his sister are trying to console what they believe may be my inevitable loss, I think. Telling me how her family is huge, and my hunny's dad's family is huge and they've been sending them out longer. But people, I refuse to believe I cannot make up for that fact with a whole lot of EFFORT.

Last year we sent out cards, but we'd only been in this house a few months and I can understand people didn't know how to track us down. So I clearly wrote our return address on each and every envelope, as a help. This year, I made sure that our address was still clearly put on every envelope we sent out. Overall, I'd say about 45 went this time. Seriously. Ho Ho Ho.

Now, I figured there was one final effort contribution I could make, an edge I could give myself that hunny's mom wouldn't bother with - the facebook daily countdown. Yes people, it's a REMINDER not to forget us, cause I love to win. Almost as much as I love Christmas cards! hehe

Perhaps I have no shame, not when it comes to healthy competition. and it's all in good fun (As long as I win!!) hehehe... Kidding....

Do YOU have my address? (wait, do I have yours?!).

I think the real victim here is the poor postal worker.

The one that I listen for, like a hawk, every morning.

The one that the minute I hear him, I fly to the door and fling it open like a hooligan!

I wonder if  I've almost given him a holiday heartattack yet.

If carrying all those Christmas cards hasn't managed to do so already.

Hope everyone has a great thursday!


p.s. Yes, I have washed my hair since it was straightened, so no it's no longer straight anymore.
p.p.s. with Remy on her cycle now, she isn't making for a very contained walker. Oh my goodness.
p.p.p.s. I was feeling particularly evil and I called Montreal early this morning, just cause I was missing him.

Here's hoping my hunny gets off early today, so we can hang out.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It must be some sort of security day, because the two websites I tried to login to (fb and this one) both asked me to update my security info before letting me proceed. This site actually asked for my cell number. Nice try guys.

So, I'm trying to get into facebook and it asks me to put in a security question and answer.
I selected: What is the first name of the first boy or girl you kissed?

I answered and submitted.

Ok, I thought perhaps I wasn't supposed to put a capital letter for his name, so I retyped it in lower case and resubmitted.

Well, I don't know about you, but I remember who the first guy was that I ever kissed! I can't exactly pick a different answer, and really I don't see what's wrong with the person I'm putting in. Were they hoping for a girl's name? haha

Guess I will have to pick a different question, sorry buddy.

I just saw a commercial for Yogi Bear FISH OILS, with footage from the soon coming Yogi Bear movie. Somehow, I never would've put those two together.

I plan on relaxing today. I need to relax. I went to walmart before 6am, looking to pickup my last few stocking stuffers. In fact, my mental list only had 2 items (although you KNOW I left with more than those). Actually, I never even got those! I searched but they didn't seem to have either of them. Darnit!

Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, December 12, 2010


She's up!

Our new camera is still having issues, but the tree is up!!

and I had a little helper (besides my hunny of course! hehe....)

No my hair is not red. Have I mentioned we are having camera issues? ha!

Oh! and Remy has finally begun her first (and last!) cycle. My smart hunny has jimmyrigged a way for us to get through it, and here's hoping it doesn't last too long for her.

Bear gets his haircut monday!

Hope that you all had a great weekend!


p.s. as much as I LOVE Christmas, I find work wearing me out to the point that I'm counting down til it's over. I'm not sure that's a positive thing. Just getting used to it I suppose, and less than 2 weeks to go! LOL

Friday, December 10, 2010


The baking has begun!
Do you know what this photo is the beginning of? Homemade shortbreads!

Yesterday morning I started by making gingerbread dough, and refrigerating it for later.
Next I took on the shortbreads, those are my favorite!

I make them every year! Last year Jess and I tried the mixer and made a terrible mess. This year, I went back to the old fashioned by hand method, and they couldn't have turned out better!

And Remy was VERY interested in the process. She helped me by cleaning up every dusting of flour that hit the floor. As I rolled dough, I could see her head out of the corner of my eye following back and forth, back and forth. She's always so curious!

And apparently last year I must have bought new cookie cutters. I don't remember it. However, when I took mine out yesterday, I had all sorts of new metal ones. Never used. Before I had a bunch of plastic ones that are a nuisance, and one metal one. Now I have an entire set. Rob vaguely remembers me getting them after Christmas last year. YAY!! What a great treat. Snowmen, angels, everything!

And of course, I had the yuletide fireplace going on tv for awhile. Man oh man, my hunny can't stand that channel. I think it's rather nice.

After supper, I brought the gingerbread dough over to little Miss Rachael's, and we made the gingerbreads together. We both had on aprons and santa hats, she's adorable. The same age as Max, 5.

and of course, after baking we decorated!

Christmas is in the air! Cookies are done, maybe now later this week we will get our tree decorated.

