I really do love cupcakes, I have to tell you. I know they have become a bit of a fad, and I've heard that cupcake shops have opened up like coffeeshops in bigger cities. When we were in Halifax to pickup Remy, we went to Cinnabon (because cinnamon rolls are Rob's favorite treat ever) and I saw they were also carrying fancy cupcakes. No, I didn't bother to have one. But fancy, expensive cupcake popularity seems to be on the rise! This has come up because of a certain cupcake incident last evening that I feel the need to tell.
I make my hunny's lunches for work on the days he needs one, and each week when I get groceries I try to pickup something fun and different. This way he has something new to look forward to every week. Well, this grocery trip I picked up cupcakes at Sobeys. They were fresh and bright and pretty, what can I say! They are laid out like a flower, there is one big cupcake circled by little cupcakes. Mmmm.
Fast forward to lunchtime yesterday. I was hungry, and we were in visiting Peggy when I realized I could have a snack. Conveniently, she works right next to Brewed Awakening - what a perfect opportunity! So I decided to grab a green tea and a treat. It was yummy! However, there is one serious downside to having my one a day sweet at lunchtime.... I can't have anything else to rest of the day. Boo. So when after supper Rob says "I'm going to have a cupcake for dessert, would you like one?", I'm forced to let out a little whine sounding something like "No thanks, I can't, I had that shortbread at lunchtime". Then what does the bugger do? Not only does he take a cupcake, sit down in front of me and proceed to moan about how yummy it is, but he took the huge cupcake out of the middle! I mean, this thing is like the size of 4 cupcakes combined. There he was, with that evil smirk on his face, enjoying every crumb. WHAT A BRAT!
The other night when we were feeling snacky and I was going for something healthy, not sugary, we decided on popcorn. I only recently found out it's even possible to pop popcorn on the stovetop. Apparently this is common knowledge, but we always had a popcorn popper growing up or used the microwave stuff. Now, I have to admit, I can cook alot of things but the last two times I tried to make it on the stovetop it burnt. Bad. So this time I volunteered Rob to come and help me! (Actually, to do it while I watched with an anticipatory smile and chuckle). Sure enough, he popped the textbook perfect potful and it was delicious! Whattaman!
Here's a question I need to ask everyone. In the grand scheme of my one a day plan, where would you put a cup of frozen yogurt? I'm thinking it's definitely a sweet treat. I purchased some Cherry Vanilla to put in the freezer, but afterwards realized that if it's a sweet chances are I'm not going to eat it very fast. I'd much rather waste my one on something like a cookie. What do you think? Should it count?
Wow. Talk about a food focused blog. Yikes!
In the past, because of Remy's skittishness of so many things and newness to walks we have always taken her off the beaten path. Usually woods trails, or gravel service roads, closed campgrounds.. that sort of thing. Once or twice, when she was younger, I tried walking her around the block and it was a test. Poor thing was so startled at every noise that she lost all ability to focus on the walk. I've been trying hard to accustomize her to sounds and situations of everyday life. So last evening, Rob and I decided to try a walk around the neighborhood. He took Bear, who has become an on-leash walking champ in the recent past, and I took Remy. It went so well! I was so impressed! Whenever she got anxious and began to dart or pull, I would have her sit. Quite frankly I'd rather she got into the habit of sitting when she's flighty, instead of pulling me (cause she's gonna get bigger and stronger). Plus, this way she has to relax before we keep moving. Once she gets more confident we will end the sitting habit, but one thing at a time. I really was proud of how well we did, and I thoroughly enjoyed the outing. When we got back, Remy even let me comb out her ears for a little while, instead of trying to squirm away to play with her brother. Wizard!
Hahaha, Bear is a fluffy, wooly beast! Haircut anyone?

Hope everyone has a really superfantastic tuesday! Hopefully will get to the craft store later...
Girl you are going to have to talk to that hunny of yours...how dare he eat that cupcake in front of you...the least he could have done was turned his back or something and definitely tone down the moaning as he proceeded to eat it and torture you....lol
ReplyDeleteyougurt is a healthy alternative to ice cream so i would not consider it a sweet :o)
ReplyDeleteand my scruffy little man is looking as adorable as ever!!
man do i need to come visit
I don't see why one must provide sanctuary from the other when it comes to cupcakes. All's fair in love and war and cupcakes.