I was thinking yesterday while I was looking over the mini greenhouses, how does it not go moldy in there? Does anyone know? Because to me moisture, heat and lack of air circulation makes for mold. Maybe because of the light?
I decided that when I woke up this morning I'm going to make a cut. Somehow, with being off work and perhaps some key dates on the calendar I've begun consuming more synthetic sugars than ever before. It doesn't seem to matter how much water I drink I just constantly feel bloated from this. It's not worth it. So I'm cutting back. I will permit myself only one sugar based product per day. So this is probably going to be one cookie, or one hot chocolate. I know that to try to cut things out 100% might be unrealistic at this point. But I want this scheme to work, because I know I've had to do similar tasks in the past and in the end I felt much better for it. Just takes will power. So I told Rob of the plan last night, and asked him not to encourage me with sweets cause I'm only so strong... hahaha. And it just tastes so good....
Oh and as for those Bran Buds... there's a box of them up in the cupboard minus the 3 packs I honestly did try. Blech. Anyone want them?
I finished "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest"! It was more political than the other two books, but it was a great way to end up the saga. It came together so well in the end, just be prepared that this third entry is a bit slower paced than the other two. I was actually a bit sad when it was over. Now that the author is deceased so suddenly there will never be another Lisbeth Salander story, and what about Mikael and Lisbeth? I know it ended so that you can interpret how you will but I would LOVE to read another novel with these characters. Do you think zombies can write ? haha
It's amazing how many people I know that are job hunting right now. I mean, I realize some people are just looking all the time, but in general I know alot of people currently searching for employment. I thought that the economy was getting better? The recession is supposed to be over? Newfoundland is supposed to be growing? And it's the same story over and over, applying for positions you are qualified for and getting no response. It's interesting don't you think? And if you look at the positions that are available they are extreme ends of the spectrum. Gas station or Grocery store clerks are available, oh and the assistant director of the city needs to be filled. I'm not sure what to make of this new employment phenomenon.
I hope that everyone has a really fantastic weekend! Yay it's friday! I've decided that although this entry is short, I'm going to end it with a photo montage of me and my big brother - in honor of his birthday. Hope they bring you a chuckle!
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