Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kong Love

I'm not sure I ever really believed in magic, but then I was introduced to the kong. No, it is not a product sold in Peggy's store (get your head outa the gutter people).. althought she might have one with that name. However, I'm referring to the rubber, pinecone, hollow toy product for dogs. Like I said, it's magic. Now it doesn't seem to work all on its own, in fact it even comes with a bit of a learning curve. It needs to be paired with some edible goodness, like peanut butter (that's our yum of choice). Something gooey, and sticky but thick and aromatic. It can't run or fall out. You slide it up inside the kong, hand one to each dog and sit back to enjoy the magic.

Now, you may be wondering - how does a chew toy create magic? Well, have you ever had a 3 month old sport dog puppy? That's how. Even when Bear is calm, and he tends to be on his own (he's content to sleep all day if he had his way), Remy is a whole new bucket of bees. I'm quite certain she would be thrilled to bother Bear all day just for entertainment. Some times he gives in and they have a hardcore play session. Sometimes he looks like he's going to lose his mind. The more he resists, the more vocal she gets... I don't think she's going to talk him into it. Darnit though, doesn't she try!

Enter Wednesday nights on History Channel, and the hour of Pawn Stars we enjoy watching every week. This involves actually listening to what is going on, paying attention. However, that can be a bit of a task when a puppy wants to play and a big brother isn't interested. Hello Kong and peanut butter. And it doesn't take alot, just a little shoved on up in there. One for Remy, one for Bear.... WIZARD! You've got magic.

Now the first time I splurged and bought these reputed godsavers, I was taking a risk. I shoved the pb up inside with a butter knife, and gave them to the dogs and sat back. The reaction wasn't overly thrilling. Bear pushed it around a bit on the carpet with his nose (in circles) and looked at me like what? This is the point where you don't get discouraged. I don't think you can actually make them chew it, but after a couple of attempts they figured it out on their own. When that happened, hallelujah!

Also. I just have to comment briefly on how freaking spectacular it is that it's light outside by 7am. Honestly, for morning people this is a breakthrough on the morning bliss scale. Superfantastic! Welcome light, I love you!

I think we should all look at this ad. My hat goes off to Nike for having faith in their athlete, for not giving up when most others did. We are all human, we all make mistakes and that's how we learn our most valuable lessons. This ad features the voice of Tiger Wood's late father (who knows where they got that recording from) and I think it is so well done, and it makes a point. They aren't saying he's the perfect athlete, and that's the message here. I'm so impressed with how they've put this together.

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