Monday, May 31, 2010

Cherry Tree kinda Day

Happy Monday Everyone!

I really do love weekends.

However, now that it's over I will share some of the wonderfulness with you great people!

Actually, Saturday was pretty much a write off for me.

Sunday was fantastic though!

We woke up to sunshine, and tshirt weather (talk about motivation to get outdoors!)

I love this picture because Bear looks so snobby in it... haha

Today was a yard day, beginning with the first lawn mowing of the year.

We also planted our cherry tree and worked on the garden box.

Yay for planting our first tree together.

It's never too late to keep coming up with firsts!

Do you think my super white sneakers make my legs look any darker?

Nope, I didn't think so.

We lost the sunshine around lunchtime, but it stayed fairly warm and we kept working.

My handsome hunny and our soon to be vegetable garden box.

The cutest deck audience ever.

Overall our weekend was lovely. Hopefully I'm going to get some really great news today. Can we all cross our fingers? I would appreciate that. Keep smiling and I will keep you posted!

Friday, May 28, 2010


I hope that everyone has a lovely friday and an even better weekend!

I am a little unfocused at the momment, positive things are in the air.

Will let you know if I get any news.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cupcake Curtain

I flushed a teabag.

I don't know what I was thinking.

In hindsight it just seems wrong.

Meanwhile, I've put it off long enough.

Have you ever had a chore you just hated doing

so you didn't?

Avoided it almost. Denial of its importance.

Well. I need to change the shower curtain liner. Again!

Peggy, I finally took your advice.

Instead of buying the cheapest one, I've invested in a fabric liner this time.

Here's hoping the few extra dollars will save me in the future.

And we have no idea how it happens.

I certainly do not ever remember ripping it.

I would admit it, if I did.

My hunny claims innocence as well.

It must be the animals.

Finally, I want to share with you something fun and positive.

I think that it is important for us all to indulge in a treat for ourselves, at least sometime.

For me, the last few years, my little thing has been body lotion.

It started a couple Christmases ago when my mom sent me some Body Shop coconut body butter.


That particular choice of treat lasted quite some time, but I finally admitted it was impractical because we cannot buy it here locally.

Then I discovered something even more amazing.

It is called Icing on the Cake by Slice of Life.

The aroma is a little strong, so it won't due if you're going to a scent free area.

But oh....... my........ goodness. This particular flavour will make you smell like a cupcake.

It goes on smoother than silk, less like lotion and more like fabric. Absorbs in well.

I just had to share.

You can find it at Dominion (aka. Real Atlantic Superstore, aka. Loblaws) in the naturals section, beside the gluten free products.

Feel Delicious - Life is Sweet

(that's what it says on the bottle)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I've done it again.

I have no idea how. Honestly, it's a skill that comes to me naturally.

I have managed to completely mess up the television remote.

I claim innocence.

It must have been the animals.

Perhaps I could blame it on the fact that I'm just newly getting back into the world of television.

Or the fact that we have two remotes for one tv. Doesn't anyone else find that annoying?

Needless to say, the important remote no longer works.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time googling how to reprogram the thing.

I even meant to get new batteries for it when I ran out earlier, but forgot to.

All this effort so that I can change channels and get the guide to work?


And people wonder why I love reading so much!


I just finished reading this book a little while ago. It was WONDERFUL!

Anyone looking for something heart warming but interesting - a good mystery but without all the suspense

and tension would love this book.

Plus, one of the plot lines is about a woman who writes fairy tales.

And of course there is a forgotten, hidden garden.

I wish I could read it all over again for the first time.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Story Time

Once upon a time, it was evening and a puppy mama decided to relax and unwind in a nice hot bath.

Her hunny had gone out and the animals were beginning their usual nightime play.

The tub was poured, water the perfect temperature.

The momment promised to be bliss.


Here's what really happened:

I just laid down in the tub and looked up to see Bear running in the bathroom with his neck, face and head splattered with bright red blood.

You've never seen a tired woman move so fast.

As it turns out, Remy has been teething. She has, in fact, lost a few teeth over the long weekend.

After frantically searching Bear over and over and over again I determined it was not in fact his blood.

Remy seemed hunky dory.

The best guess is they were playing and one of Remy's loose teeth got ripped out.

I checked one more time. Bear seemed intact.


End of Bathtime.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Postcard Perfect

Happy May 2-4 Everybody!

Here's hoping that you had as wonderful of a Queen's birthday as I did.

We went fishing!

We began getting ready when it was still overcast and grey, with a huge threat of rain. We were going anyway.

Load up the truck, stop to buy some timbits and off we go!
(No, not for the fish - they got worms we found under some rocks)

We arrived. First fishing trip of the year, first canoe trip of the year and eventually the sun came out!
Postcard Perfect!

We had so much fun!

Check out these incredibly cute little rubber boots!

Let the casting begin. I casted, and casted, and casted. We relocated, I casted some more. We switched worms, switched lures, moved again and continued casting.

I was on a mission.

All I managed to catch were tree parts.

Then it happened. My hunny picked up his rod, flicked it once and as soon as the worm hit the water

He got a little fish!

The day was epic. Quality at its finest.

Plus it is undeniably the first day of sun season for me - with unexpected rays I had no block.
No block means I have to call up my buddy aloe vera gel.
Nothing screams summer like that smell.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hanging with the Coolness

He was here.

I enjoyed every second of it.

He arrived on friday evening (feeling much more chipper than I would've been - I might add). After some bewilderment over the fact that beer is sold in corner stores and gas stations, we all went out for a bite to eat.

I was so excited that my little brother was here, we somehow found the energy and out we went!

What a handsome fella!

Saturday morning we decided sunshine called for fetching. Little brother tagged along with us. Everyone deserves to know the feeling of throwing a ball as far as you can, just to have a little animal run after it and bring it right back to you.

Even my hunny was there, so he could see how fantastic a ball fetcher little Remy is becoming!

Of course, Bear is always a champ.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing random things, for the most part. We visited with some relatives, whom I haven't seen in too long and my little brother in even longer.

We picked up a cherry tree to plant in our yard, no we have no clue where yet. Luckily, our yard is not so large that it should take long to figure out a location.

My hunny indulged me all weekend, going around snapping photos of little brother and I. Probably a good thing that he was only here for two days, in that sense. We'd all be photographed to death.

I could have worse habits.

Finally it was time to say goodbye.

I was sad, but strong. At least I think so. I didn't cry!

There goes my brother and my bike.

I would rather he have it than anyone else.

If I have to lose all my cool factor, at least my little brother can take over it for me.

We had such a great weekend! Did my heart good to see him, as hard as it was to watch him go.

And I know one thing, it might've taken almost 5 years to get him here but I expect we will see him back alot sooner than that!

Friday, May 21, 2010


My little brother is coming to visit today

I know, I've been saying it all week

Have I mentioned how excited I am?

For some of you that don't know, perhaps I will give a little background as explanation.

I love my little brother.

It was love at first sight, we were a pair from the very beginning

Growing up, I didn't really have alot of friends. The friends I had were not living in our neighborhood.

I had even better, I had my little brother.

He never made me feel weird, or awkward. We were geeky together.

He was the best friend ever. Always there for me, always loving me.

If I wanted someone to play with, he was the first volunteer and the perfect guy for the job

We went to the same school, we wore the same dorky uniforms together

Whenever we went on vacation, my little brother was there with me. What more could I have asked for but to have him by my side to share the best of times with?

My little brother would always do stuff with me, even if others would think it silly. If he thought so, he didn't say - he was always in.

In the family, he seemed to understand me the best. He always seemed to think my ideas were great.

It's amazing, when I go back through childhood photos that he is in SO many. Most all of them. If it isn't a photo of us we are at least sitting together, or standing side by side, or playing at something in the background.

Part of me wonders now how my older brother felt about it. He must have noticed, although I think he was too cool to be goofballs with us anyway. We probably embarassed him.. haha

We just got each other.

I love him mostly for being the happiest part of my childhood, for the entire life I had growing up

And he indulges me still!

I moved to Newfoundland 5 years ago, and was sad to leave him behind. I do get to see him a few times per year when I go home to visit. This is going to be the first time he has ever come to visit me!

The excitement is overwhelming. I'm not sure what we will do, and he's only here 2 days but it doesn't matter to me.

Have I mentioned how much I love my little brother and he's coming to visit today?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunshiney Bliss

Happy Thursday!

I've been so busy today, I'm just getting a momment to stop now.

Instead of boring you with stories, I've decided to dazzle you with pictures.

What would I be taking pictures of? Our animals of course!

First, the other day when we went for a walk in the park we ran into fellow canine friends Amber and Buddy.

I don't know much about Buddy, other than he comes with Amber
(Like Bear comes with Remy)
Amber is a golden retriever exactly 7 days older than Remy. They love each other!



~Playing with the ball~

~Please throw it! Amber, Bear, Remy, Buddy and Amber's mom~

Yesterday was beautiful! The nicest day of the entire year. I decided such an amazing day required something other than walking to burn some energy. Fetch at Marble! YAY!

Also, because it was the most spectacular day of the year - I put out our first line of laundry! Did I mention this week my hunny strung up a clothesline for me? Bliss!