Friday, July 30, 2010


I flicked onto my blog for a momment this morning, and realized that I need a happier song. The Climb was nice for my sewing frustrations but come on, who wants to hear that every morning?

Now I don't know if many of you have seen this movie:

But I loved it! It's about a girl (Ellen Page aka. Juno) who is trying to find herself. She's stuck in the middle of living up to her mothers expectations and realizing who she is as her own person. Awkward time. Yes she doesn't always make the smartest decisions, but that's part of learning and growing. It's real. Something about this movie really got to me, in a good way.

Whip It was Drew Barrymore's directorial debut and I find that exciting. It means more great things to come.
So any of you women out there who have a nice night to watch a movie, I'd like to suggest this one. You may not like it, and don't go cursing me if you think it was a waste of your valuable time. Have an open mind! Men, well, at least you get to see lots of really short skirts.

Meanwhile, back to the music playing now. I had heard it pre-Whip It, but once it was in the movie I was sold. It is now on my ipod and I listen to it every morning walking Remy. Something about it has a good beat. I thought perhaps you could use it today to dance around your kitchen, or do a little office chair boogie.

Have a great friday!!

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