Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Momments ago I was faced with the dilemma of having to run out to my car and grab something. I instinctively took off my socks and skipped out in my bare feet, instead of slipping on a pair of sneakers. I realize this probably says something about me - but I have no idea what exactly. We have to laugh at ourselves, we really do.

I started a new sewing project today. Honestly, I expected this to be relatively easy and straightforward. In fact, when I picked up the pattern this morning and the top of the package said *EASY 2 HOUR in the corner I figured I was set. Accepting that it would probably take 4 hours for me because I have no idea what I'm doing, I took their word on the ability rating. Wow, I now realize what a subjective term "Easy" really is.

I took my pattern to the fabric store and asked the nice lady to help me select what I would need. They don't sell patterns there, so I didn't have to worry about feeling guilty for actually picking it up at walmart. She was SUPER helpful, very nice and delightfully encouraging. I told her "now all I need to do is bring my sewing machine down so you can show me how to sew it too!". She got a kick out of that, and I'm not sure she realized I was being completely serious.

So first off, I've decided I must have picked the wrong package. I was looking for easy in english? I'm not sure what language this first paragraph is:

Press 5/8" on lower edge of sleeve to inside, forming casing. Press under 1/4" on raw edge. Stitch close to inner edge of casing.

Um, what?!

I naively thought I could just cut all these shapes out of my fabric and sew them together. Now, I've managed to learn so much through the entire project that going back and reading that makes perfect sense. It got much more complicated from there, trust me!

p.s. I just realized this is a classic over-achieving momment for me. LOL. And I thought the apron was challenging. Good thing this package said EASY.


Well. I think a rotary tool would make it alot faster. By the time I scissor cut out each piece, pin the paper cutout to the fabric, go over the edges with a pen and then cut it out with scissors .... it'd be alot faster to skip the last few steps, pin it and then cut it out with the rotary slicer. Must invest in the near future... To speed things up on round two I skipped the pen part and just cut out around the pattern. Yes, that's right. I had to do it a second time.


AGH. So I determined what side of the fabric to cut it out on. Then I started cutting the pieces. Almost finished I was slightly confused in my mind how this went together. Turns out, I don't need the biggest piece #3, that's for a sleeve on a shirt I'm not making. Also, Pieces #1 and #2 I apparently was supposed to cutout on a fold? So that it would unfold and be one big symmetrical piece. I'm pretty sure that should have been written somewhere more clearly. Maybe that's what "Cut on Fold" means, good to know. I'm glad that I bought extra fabric and have lots of time. Too bad for the wasted pieces, maybe I can use them somewhere else for something. Bugger. So I don't need #9, #6 or #3 that I cutout, and I have to recut #1 and #2 on a fold. Great start eh?

The fabric was so cute. I loved it, on sale !

Anyway, needless to say it took longer than 2 hours. I wasted the first hour and a half cutting out things that were wrong or I didn't need. I will say that I think if you did this on a regular basis it would become alot quicker. The second time I did the cutout it only took maybe 15 mins. Seriously, huge difference. Even when I got to the second sleeve I whipped through it, after struggling my way through understanding the first one.

I know you are dying to see the finished result. I will say this, it never occurred to me through the entire day that I would produce something I couldn't wear. In fact, in my head after I finished, I simply put the top on and wore it until bedtime. "Yes, I made this myself!". In my wildest dreams I wore it to work tomorrow, although deep down I told myself not to get my hopes up so high. Provided that I didn't iron out the lace at the top evenly yet, how cute is this?

I know right? Oh wait, except it didn't actually turn out that well. I went with the smallest size that the pattern came in, and then adjusted the seams to make it even smaller. It just was looking big while I made it. Here's the finished product:

In fact, when I lower my arms it falls right off me. It's more like a balloon of fabric.

I have to say overall I am disapointed. I gave 5 1/2 hours of my only day off to this project. I don't have any other time off for at least another week. I did learn that I can't copy simplicity pattern products and wear them. That's a bummer. I did, however, learn alot about sewing lingo. What the heck they mean by different words. It's a totally different language, where's a glossary when needed? They should include such a little info card in each EASY pattern kit. That's my advice.

Time to go find a pattern for a messenger bag or shoulder bag of some sort....


  1. you did a marvelous job for someone that just learned how to thread a machine...i love it!!!

  2. there is no need to be disapointed!! if you learned a lot in 51/2 hours that will help you in the future then it was time well spend. The shirt looks lovely. throw it in the dryer a couple of times and see if you can't shrink it??

    also theres no such think as extra material. you keep it all together and then you use the pieces for quilts!!!

  3. Okay! so you have the same Lundrigan or MArtin gene (i haven't yet figured who to blame) that says, "Oh, sure, that looks easy. I can do that. Just watch me try." Of course, your viosion of the outcome never inlcudes the hours and hours you spend logically working through the thing. and it never turns out the way you thought and took way longer becasue you took some shortcut or substituted the requirements for what you have on hand. I know, SF always teases me about this too.
    Sewing takes practice. don't stop, maybe find a buddy.
    Maybe you should switch to Teen sizes in that pattern company. As for the neck, just tighten the elastic.

  4. Great job Leslie! This is actually something I've been thinking about trying myself. Maybe Santa will bring me a sewing machine for Christmas, haha! Did you just teach yourself?
