First thing in the morning my routine starts with hunny waking up earlier than me. I vaguely remember each day being smothered in kisses and mumbling something nice about loving you. Don't worry, he says sweet things back to me. Probably remembers them better a few hours later too.
Anyway, I fall back asleep and wake up shortly thereafter to Bear fussing. This doesn't happen all the time but seems to be a new phase. Perhaps because he knows hunny is up and gone, and he can see that it is light outside... so he doesn't want to be held back. I've learned that if I sit up in bed, pound firmly on the wall and loudly call out to him to go back to sleep, that seems to be the most effective say of re-settling him for a nap.

So then my alarm goes off, usually around 6:30am. Generally it's not hard for me to get up at that point because the sleep wasn't all that sound between hunny, Bear, light and now alarm. I lay there a minute, gather my wits (hahaha I know, made me laugh out loud just typing that) and roll out of bed. I grab a pair of clean undies, yesterday's pants and a tshirt (probably hoodie too) and head out to face the animals. Release them into the house, put on my sneakers, grab a bag or two and out the door I go. Remy first. Speed walk as quickly as possible around our route. Return home to Bear sitting, awaiting his turn. Grab his leash out of my car, hook him up and then we go out as a pack and do walk part II. His little legs don't need the distance or speed that Remy does so he gets a shortened, slower version. She goes first because if she isn't panting before we pick up Bear she just can't handle dawdling along beside him without losing all focus. My little angels.

This process takes about an hour. Yes, up above that is a picture of sunrise this morning. Cool eh? So the rest of the morning is spent all over the place. Eating some cheerios, making tea, reading some blogs, watching the news, showering and getting ready for work, making and packing my lunch and maybe - if I have time - putting something on my blog for all of you.
With that being said, I'm eyeing the clock now and wondering exactly how much longer I have for blogging before I'm going to be putting myself dangerously close to the state of rushing. No one likes that.
So I'm going to skedaddle now, looks like I've lost my hair styling time. Oops - Have a fantastic day everyone! Lets hope that I remember to scoot over to the library after work today. Oh! And I forgot to mention that auntie and I came up with a perfect sewing project, so hopefully I will get to start that this weekend. So Excited! *hugs*
add sunrise awesomeness to your picture taking abilities