Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm not giving up.

A few people have shared a brilliant idea to solve my shirt sewing size issue. Simplicity patterns don't come any smaller than a size 6, which was floating too big. How about large size childrens patterns? I figure that is definitely worth a shot! Plus, if I remember correctly, there was a child pattern kit with a handbag included, that most closely matched the style pattern I've been looking for. Absolutely zero recollection of what the child's pattern was for, could've been a costume for all I remember, but that's all to be determined. Plus, instead of going with the New Look: Easy 2 Hour pattern, I'm going to try the It's so Easy pattern. Will let you know which is more "beginner / don't know anything" friendly.

Meanwhile, on Sunday we took the dogs for some fetch. I, of course, took my camera along. Finally I am getting the chance to share some of those photos with you.

Launching into Action!
Can I have the ball Please? Please? Please?

And finally, I'm saving the best for last. This is my absolute favorite picture of the day. Possibly because my little bear is awfully unphotogenic. He's like his mom that way. No matter how great you might be looking, the momment you try to catch it in a photo it's lost. Haha. But every once in awhile you manage a gem:

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