Good Morning! I'm back! Miss me?
I must say, I'm doing my best to not itch any flybites. After 3 days of being an insect buffet, this is harder said than done. But I find once I start scratching, it's hard to stop - plus the bites may then swell and look nasty. Not an image I'm striving for at work this morning.
I took about a zillion photos, and I can't wait to get a chance to sit down and go through them. Notice, this means I have yet to do so. Therefore I'm unable to shower you with visual splendour this morning. I know you can't wait but unfortunately I have to work early today so...... you're gonna have to put on your patience caps if possible. Alright fine, I will go grab one teaser to show, just because I love you so much.
Here, how about this one:
Ok, and on a final note I want to say that someone needs to invent a sublock that is also an effective bug spray. Because the bugs absolutely LOVE sunblock and I can't for the life of me figure out why these two products aren't manufactured to get along better. I know the sunblock is supposed to go on first, then fly dope over top but the block makes you smell so sweet that really you're making the dope's job virtually impossible. Come on companies, work with me here! Not rocket science.... ha.
Ok must run, will talk soon! ~hugs~
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