Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

I hope that you all had a lovely holiday off from work, and a chance to enjoy a slice of life.

I spent the morning bringing the crew down to the in-law's place and lounging on the deck in the sun with family. It was lovely, and I didn't get burnt! Although, this involved my hunny having to make a quick trip back to our pad for some sunblock. My hero!

This afternoon, I went and saw the Eclipse movie. It was ok. I guess now I'm mostly going because a lifetime or two ago I read the books (which I really can't remember much content from), and I've seen the other movies so - I'm invested. I am equally confident that I will watch the rest of the movies as they come out, even though I've seen better (then again, I've also seen alot worse!). Those gray pants drove me crazy, horrible! haha

My hunny is reading a book I picked up for him from the library this week, and letting out occasional giggles from the couch. This isn't a phenomenon I'm used to. It's giving me a bit of new perspective. Do I answer him so unaffectedly when he asks me questions while I read? I have the sneaking suspicion I'm even worse. Mental note taken.

Oh, I finished The Swan Thieves. It was nothing short of amazing. Really, the word doesn't even do it justice. It has just occurred to me that perhaps I was less than mind-blown by the Eclipse movie and hype simply because it paled in comparison to the extreme awesomeness and completeness of that book I just finished. I honestly am grasping at adjectives here to describe how wonderfully fulfilling the book was for me. It's not very often I feel the need to share with you but this is one of those moments. I loved it. Everything about it. It was perfect. Amen.

Tonight we are about to determine whether or not it is possible to see fireworks from our deck. The fog has rolled in the bay so I'm not certain if they will continue on as scheduled, or if we will see them through the thick. Fingers crossed!

Sorry if I have bored you all with book talk. That wasn't my intention, it just somehow all came out that way. Hopefully, I will have more exciting news to tell tomorrow. *hugs* everyone!

p.s. I know. Slightly odd music choice for today but something about this tune I really like. Hope you feel it too!

1 comment:

  1. glad you had a lovely day... the traditional RDF in here allll day. just got home from what was supposed to be fireworks... more like colour changing clouds... oh mys... maybe next year... third times a charm right?
