Friday, July 30, 2010


I flicked onto my blog for a momment this morning, and realized that I need a happier song. The Climb was nice for my sewing frustrations but come on, who wants to hear that every morning?

Now I don't know if many of you have seen this movie:

But I loved it! It's about a girl (Ellen Page aka. Juno) who is trying to find herself. She's stuck in the middle of living up to her mothers expectations and realizing who she is as her own person. Awkward time. Yes she doesn't always make the smartest decisions, but that's part of learning and growing. It's real. Something about this movie really got to me, in a good way.

Whip It was Drew Barrymore's directorial debut and I find that exciting. It means more great things to come.
So any of you women out there who have a nice night to watch a movie, I'd like to suggest this one. You may not like it, and don't go cursing me if you think it was a waste of your valuable time. Have an open mind! Men, well, at least you get to see lots of really short skirts.

Meanwhile, back to the music playing now. I had heard it pre-Whip It, but once it was in the movie I was sold. It is now on my ipod and I listen to it every morning walking Remy. Something about it has a good beat. I thought perhaps you could use it today to dance around your kitchen, or do a little office chair boogie.

Have a great friday!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm not giving up.

A few people have shared a brilliant idea to solve my shirt sewing size issue. Simplicity patterns don't come any smaller than a size 6, which was floating too big. How about large size childrens patterns? I figure that is definitely worth a shot! Plus, if I remember correctly, there was a child pattern kit with a handbag included, that most closely matched the style pattern I've been looking for. Absolutely zero recollection of what the child's pattern was for, could've been a costume for all I remember, but that's all to be determined. Plus, instead of going with the New Look: Easy 2 Hour pattern, I'm going to try the It's so Easy pattern. Will let you know which is more "beginner / don't know anything" friendly.

Meanwhile, on Sunday we took the dogs for some fetch. I, of course, took my camera along. Finally I am getting the chance to share some of those photos with you.

Launching into Action!
Can I have the ball Please? Please? Please?

And finally, I'm saving the best for last. This is my absolute favorite picture of the day. Possibly because my little bear is awfully unphotogenic. He's like his mom that way. No matter how great you might be looking, the momment you try to catch it in a photo it's lost. Haha. But every once in awhile you manage a gem:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Momments ago I was faced with the dilemma of having to run out to my car and grab something. I instinctively took off my socks and skipped out in my bare feet, instead of slipping on a pair of sneakers. I realize this probably says something about me - but I have no idea what exactly. We have to laugh at ourselves, we really do.

I started a new sewing project today. Honestly, I expected this to be relatively easy and straightforward. In fact, when I picked up the pattern this morning and the top of the package said *EASY 2 HOUR in the corner I figured I was set. Accepting that it would probably take 4 hours for me because I have no idea what I'm doing, I took their word on the ability rating. Wow, I now realize what a subjective term "Easy" really is.

I took my pattern to the fabric store and asked the nice lady to help me select what I would need. They don't sell patterns there, so I didn't have to worry about feeling guilty for actually picking it up at walmart. She was SUPER helpful, very nice and delightfully encouraging. I told her "now all I need to do is bring my sewing machine down so you can show me how to sew it too!". She got a kick out of that, and I'm not sure she realized I was being completely serious.

So first off, I've decided I must have picked the wrong package. I was looking for easy in english? I'm not sure what language this first paragraph is:

Press 5/8" on lower edge of sleeve to inside, forming casing. Press under 1/4" on raw edge. Stitch close to inner edge of casing.

Um, what?!

I naively thought I could just cut all these shapes out of my fabric and sew them together. Now, I've managed to learn so much through the entire project that going back and reading that makes perfect sense. It got much more complicated from there, trust me!

p.s. I just realized this is a classic over-achieving momment for me. LOL. And I thought the apron was challenging. Good thing this package said EASY.


Well. I think a rotary tool would make it alot faster. By the time I scissor cut out each piece, pin the paper cutout to the fabric, go over the edges with a pen and then cut it out with scissors .... it'd be alot faster to skip the last few steps, pin it and then cut it out with the rotary slicer. Must invest in the near future... To speed things up on round two I skipped the pen part and just cut out around the pattern. Yes, that's right. I had to do it a second time.


AGH. So I determined what side of the fabric to cut it out on. Then I started cutting the pieces. Almost finished I was slightly confused in my mind how this went together. Turns out, I don't need the biggest piece #3, that's for a sleeve on a shirt I'm not making. Also, Pieces #1 and #2 I apparently was supposed to cutout on a fold? So that it would unfold and be one big symmetrical piece. I'm pretty sure that should have been written somewhere more clearly. Maybe that's what "Cut on Fold" means, good to know. I'm glad that I bought extra fabric and have lots of time. Too bad for the wasted pieces, maybe I can use them somewhere else for something. Bugger. So I don't need #9, #6 or #3 that I cutout, and I have to recut #1 and #2 on a fold. Great start eh?

The fabric was so cute. I loved it, on sale !

Anyway, needless to say it took longer than 2 hours. I wasted the first hour and a half cutting out things that were wrong or I didn't need. I will say that I think if you did this on a regular basis it would become alot quicker. The second time I did the cutout it only took maybe 15 mins. Seriously, huge difference. Even when I got to the second sleeve I whipped through it, after struggling my way through understanding the first one.

I know you are dying to see the finished result. I will say this, it never occurred to me through the entire day that I would produce something I couldn't wear. In fact, in my head after I finished, I simply put the top on and wore it until bedtime. "Yes, I made this myself!". In my wildest dreams I wore it to work tomorrow, although deep down I told myself not to get my hopes up so high. Provided that I didn't iron out the lace at the top evenly yet, how cute is this?

I know right? Oh wait, except it didn't actually turn out that well. I went with the smallest size that the pattern came in, and then adjusted the seams to make it even smaller. It just was looking big while I made it. Here's the finished product:

In fact, when I lower my arms it falls right off me. It's more like a balloon of fabric.

I have to say overall I am disapointed. I gave 5 1/2 hours of my only day off to this project. I don't have any other time off for at least another week. I did learn that I can't copy simplicity pattern products and wear them. That's a bummer. I did, however, learn alot about sewing lingo. What the heck they mean by different words. It's a totally different language, where's a glossary when needed? They should include such a little info card in each EASY pattern kit. That's my advice.

Time to go find a pattern for a messenger bag or shoulder bag of some sort....

Monday, July 26, 2010


I think this song playing now is a cute little ditty.

So family arrival! My hunny's brother, sister-in-law and two nieces have come to visit! We love them to pieces. They are awesome.

That's Lily. She was going around last evening wearing a tshirt that said Cutest Girl Ever and it's so true.

and I had a very relaxingly perfect afternoon swinging away on the deck with Chloe.
(I better have spelt that right). She's 2 months old and the sweetest baby I've ever known. She loves me, I can tell. Hehe

I'm so glad that they are here for a week!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

East meets West meets North

After work on saturday, it was beautiful sunny. My hunny and I decided to take advantage of that by heading down to the East meets West meets North festival on West St. It has been going on a few years now and we try to go see the exhibits. It's a nice time, a sweet diversion from regular everyday summer life. Something to do.

No we did not bring the animals. Do I look that crazy? Not today... haha

There were exhibits by the Dept of Wildlife, giving away free seedlings and showing replicas of local wildlife/ natural resources. A company from here that makes pet treats (etc) had a booth and here is a link to their website: Valleyview Gourmet Treat Shop. I got an idea for making a dog bed. Lets see, who else was there. Newfoundland Chocolate Company Although we learned last year that we aren't huge fans of their treats. Still, support local! I was happy to see their display. Also, there was a local art show going on inside the church. Hunny and I actually really enjoyed looking at all the paintings. Some talented people shown, including some works of art by one of my aunts.

There were other displays too. Some had already packed it in, as we didn't arrive til almost 7pm on the last day of the event. Better late than never!

Hunny took my picture. I know, I'm a bit awkward. Can't help it. Not photogenic.

And the RNC horses were out around town during the festival! Very exciting. They are huge and beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. Glad I had my camera to snap a photo for ya.
Most unpredictable part of the evening? Walking back to our car and finding this:


Some of my hunny's family arrived in town late last night and I'm so happy to see them (and their new addition!). Will tell you all about it tomorrow. My hunny also got bad work news today, so he's pretty unhappy about that. Hopefully having extra family around this week will help cheer him up a little.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Good morning everyone! I've been taking advantage of working late today and enjoying my am of relaxation. I rolled out of bed later than normal (although I was congested. How did that happen?). Watched the news, ate some yogurt with granola, some toasted sweet bread (no, not homemade - it's from the bakery) and now about to start my tea. Man, does life get any better? Well I finished my book last night before sleep and haven't picked up the next one yet. Otherwise I might be out on the deck with Remy, reading and sipping.

Although, today isn't so nice out. Which I'm actually happy about! You see, I believe we planted our spinach too late in the garden. It's a colder weather crop. We waited. It was growing up healthy as grass, until we got some heat. Burnt it all up.  I'm a firm believer that if the plants had been more mature we would be in a totally different situation right now. But we aren't. Ha. So I think that if we could have a few cooler days, wet ones even, I might be able to get them back and going. I refuse to give up. Maybe give them a little nitrogen, see how that works out.

I'm waiting to see a review on Canada AM for Salt. Someone else must want to see this movie surely? Back to kickass Angelina. SWEET.


Wow. It's apparently a rambling day.

I wanted to tell you a story about our dog walk the other night. We went to the old hwy where it is paved but not accessible to vehicles. As we started out a few motorcycles came down to the parking area, and the further we got we noticed that all he was doing was burning rubber. I started ranting about how idiotic and moronic a thing that was to do. Eventually my hunny managed to divert my attention and we forgot about it. When we got back,this is what we saw on the pavement:

That's what he made burning out his tire! and ready for this? I LOVE IT! haha.
Talk about whiplash opinion change.
The thing is, I've decided that his tire must have been dead anyway, and before he replaced it with a new one he decided to put a smile on our walk.


One final story.

Remy is 7 months old this week. She's past all accidents in the house and goes all night or workday no problem now. I can't remember the last time she peed inside. Fast forward to yesterday morning. When I work in the am I wake up and walk her first thing. So yesterday morning she definitely had her walk and was good to go for the day. Fast forward to me almost ready to go to work. She was being sookie all morning. I spend about 2-2.5hrs with the dogs before I leave for work each morning, so they get some life time and aren't just left alone first thing. We have a routine. When I had my shoes on and was ready to give the animals their goodbye treats and kennel them, Remy took one look at me and peed on the carpet. Talk about a big Screw You Mom!

Now, I know being an adolescent puppy she is testing her boundaries. She wanted me to know that she did not want me to go and leave. Little rebel. But it was terrible timing. Honestly. What a little brat! I figured you would get a kick out of that.

My little angel is out on the deck now. If the door is open that is pretty much where she will be. It's her favorite place to just sit and see through the rails. Enjoy the fresh air and watch with her keen eyes.

p.s. I've gotten some basic instructions for my hunny's first blanket. Next week we will go and pick out some material he likes. Sweet!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Remy destroys my underwear.

I know I call her my angel all the time. It's about the power of positive thinking.

Mostly she's a wonderful little girl. 99.7% of the time.

But at the end of the day she is still a puppy.

She finds my underwear and destroys them.

Yes I may have needed new ones anyway, but that isn't the point.

She's a bugger for socks too, so make sure you keep them on your feet and her out of the laundry. That's her favorite place to be - I'm pretty sure. Laundry basket = treasure chest.


I have to tell you my hunny made me brilliantly happy today. Now to clarify, he makes sure I'm going around blissfully happy pretty much 24/7 ...... that means all the time. But today he went out of his way to elevate that up to brilliantly happy.

I've been keeping my eye open for a new wallet. The one I have now was a freebie and although effective, it wasn't really me. Just the right price.

I have seen a few possibilities. Potentials. Then today I saw it! Love at first sight. It was just so me, even my hunny said so. Was $22 and although I couldn't part with it he felt the purchase a worthy cause. And I'm really excited. Like Christmas! Except now it's so wonderful because everyday I use my wallet. Each and every time I pull it out to use it I expect to remember that my hunny bought for me. I will love that. I'm so excited. Did I mention that yet?  I have the absolute best man in the world. No you can't have him, I'm not sharing.

In case you can't tell from the photos - it's purple!

Soon I'm going to try making myself a new shoulder bag to hold it in. Loving the possibilities of the sewing machine.

First thing's first - looking up how to do a basic quilt. My hunny is looking forward to the first blanket from his little woman and I can't wait to make one for him.


I feel like this morning I need my tea to write, so you'll have to wait a few more minutes. It's currently brewing in my new nifty pot. I was originally feeling too lazy to go download photos for the blog this morning, and was considering, in fact, having today's entry contain no pictures at all. However, since I have a few momments to kill waiting for tea I may as well go get the camera and plug it in. I do love photos. Up above that is a picture of our very first ripe strawberry. It was a little bitter but so good. We've had a few more since then too! So exciting.


Our garden is on fire! Ok, not literally but the lettuce is growing so quickly. Does anyone want some? If any of you would like some fresh lettuce let me know and I'll gladly pick you some. I'm already wondering what we are going to do with it all and it's still growing. Haha.

My auntie wanted me to tell you a story from yesterday:

I was giving her a ride to the dentist, and she was telling me about her guardian angel. Perhaps that's not the proper terminology but there is a bird that comes to visit her some days, and she especially notices his presence when she is feeling down. Now, through powers of deduction we figure that it is probably a raven. Neither of us being aviary experts, that's just a guess. However, I happen to say something along the lines of "thank goodness it's not a crow. Who would want a crow for a guardian angel?".

Fast forward about 10 minutes in the drive. I am puttering through a small town, and I see a vehicle coming towards me in the opposite lane. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until he gets right close and a crow flies out of his lane and straight up in front of my windshield, dropping something onto the hood of my car in the process. I got such a shock that in my feeble, automatic response to protect myself, my hands flew off the wheel and up in front of my face (which musta had some real fright of an expression on it). In hindsight, that really wouldn't have done anything. Other than make poor auntie laugh at me til she almost cried. I am pretty sure that was the crows' way of getting back at me for the earlier badmouthing.

Now, I mentioned that she thinks she is being visited by a raven. I also told auntie that perhaps my favorite poem of all time is The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.
She asked me to post a copy so that she could read it. I warned her it was long. In fact, it may not be as effective read as it is listened to. But since I am not around to read it to all of you, I will post it here now. Any of you that already know it, or can't be bothered to read it all to the end I will say goodbye to now. xoxo. Hope you all have a lovely, remarkable day!

p.s. The reaction checkmark option thingy at the bottom of my posts were not working. I know people have been clicking them, however all I was ever seeing was (0) beside each option. No count. I've gone into the system and edited it, hoping that this will help. So if you could all click an option then I will know by tomorrow if it is working or not. Thanks!

The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more.'

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -
This it is, and nothing more,'

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you' - here I opened wide the door; -
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Lenore!'
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Lenore!'
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -
'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning - little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door -
Bird or beast above the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
With such name as `Nevermore.'

But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered -
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.'
Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
`Doubtless,' said I, `what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore -
Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden bore
Of "Never-nevermore."'

But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and door;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore -
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,
She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
`Wretch,' I cried, `thy God hath lent thee - by these angels he has sent thee
Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! -
Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -
On this home by horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore -
Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell me - tell me, I implore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Lenore?'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

`Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting -
`Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!


Now you may all my wondering why someone as positive as myself loves such a dark and depressing poem. My answer? It's not the subject or story. It's the poem itself. The structure, the way the words flow and dip and bend. How it feels coming off your tongue when you read it out loud. The music behind the words. It just has great lines.

Have a great day!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I did it!

My hunny is putting together a fan. I vowed as I laid in bed last night 1:30am, with not a breeze in the house even though every window in the place was open (except for the living room where the dogs were enjoying my bedroom fan, that I gave up to help them sleep better and pant less), that tonight I would not go to bed without having a fan in the bedroom.

We went to walmart. Sold out. We went to Canadian Tire. Sold out. We went to Kent.... a selection on sale! The new one even has a pedestal so it can blow level with my back on the mattress. SCORE! Solid $30 investment, I can't wait.

Oh, wait, and I did something else too. I created an apron. Yes.... created is my word for it. Because just sewing shouldn't take so long. haha. Ready to see it?

Maybe things aren't perfect, but I think they are pretty darn close! First project EVER! First time using the sewing machine all on my own EVER! Having the opportunity to waste enjoy hours of my day off sitting in a chair, learning something I'm not great at (yet), and trying not to lose my patience. Priceless. Baha ya right.

My hunny came up with the brilliant idea to double up the hem, keeping it neat and clean.

I figured I should put a little pocket on it, for cuteness and usefulness.

In hindsight, I perhaps should've made the lines all straight. Trying to do roundedness for my first project might've been a slight case of over-achievement. Heck, it turned out pretty darn decent I think!

What do you think? Come on, it's cute!

Hope everyone wants an apron for Christmas. I'd better get started on those gifts now, with how much time this one took. Any guesses on total hourage? hehe


p.s. growing list of projects:
- blanket for my hunny
- hand towels for the kitchen
- snot rags for winter
- Christmas apron
- tablecloth
- reflective dog bandanas

Sunday, July 18, 2010


What a day! I couldn't have had a better day off...

The sun was out this morning and after taking advantage of no alarm clock (aka sleeping in til almost 8:30am) we got on the go. We heard the forecast called for rain this afternoon so we figured best to go atving asap before it hit.

We decided to hitup the snowmobile trail. And I just have to take a momment to say that if you're in the woods and you see something like this:

It just peaks the curiosity of inquiring minds like mine. Seriously, if you left nothing there we would've just puttered right on by. But, putting this there - you know we parked... got off and then walked down to investigate. It was nothing exciting, but not the point!

Also, it's always entertaining for me to come across more randomness in the woods - such as:\

Now ... I know... we were on a snowmobile trail. But still, how funny. I got a chuckle out of it. There wasn't another soul to be seen the entire morning. We did stop too but only so that we could pick a direction. Heck, I'm lucky if my driver stops on the road in a car. Hehe - love you hunny!

At the end of our trail we came across a pond. The sun was hot enough we decided to go for a swim. It has been years since I've jumped in any sort of lake for a dip.

Yup. That's me! And here's my hunny:

How fun is that?!

Now I need to go put some aloe on my hunny's burnt shoulders and say goodnight. Tomorrow I will fill you in on my entire afternoon of sewing madness. Xoxo