Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weekend Bliss

I have a new lily. I know, I haven't told you yet but there have been so many other inspirations. Rob has informed me it makes the house smell like old woman, but that's ok because it's so pretty! Here is a quick rundown of the lily life over the last week:

Much to Rob's amusement, I rescued a hibiscus today! Honestly, it wasn't that painful. Flowers will be red (I was hoping for yellow), and was half price. Most likely because it's in desperate need of repotting. I will take care of that tomorrow when I find some stones for the pot. This is our first one in this house so I'm pretty excited!

Rob and his dad went up to the cabin to deliver some wood for my dad yesterday. They saw quite the wildlife: 13 moose, about 60 caribou, a grouse, an osprey, a hawk, couple rabbits, 3 geese and a whack of ducks. He even nabbed some pictures!

and importantly enough today, before I forget


Did we ever celebrate! My hunny gave me a card from the animals and a new outfit! (Desperately needed some jeans). Then we went over to Mom and Dad's for a holiday dinner! Can you guess what we had?

Mom herself got these beautiful roses from Rob's dad:

and here is the pretty lady herself!

It has been such a wonderful weekend! Happy every minute that has passed. I took a few random photos of the animals that I will share with you before I take off:

I hope that everyone had a weekend as wonderful and loving as my own. My hunny is snoozing on the couch now, we are going out to a movie tonight - yay! Smile everyone, life is worth it!


  1. amazing pictures as always....confessions of jealousy inbound on your BB ;)

  2. I love the last picture of bear and remy!!

    miss you love you.. hope you liked the movie!
