Saturday, May 8, 2010

Artwork Love

You know how you hear of people who feel like they are someone else on the inside than they are on the outside? As if there is a different inner person, struggling to be visualized on the exterior. That's me.

I want to be artsy and I'm not.

Perhaps I'm jealous of those that are.

I feel like I have it in me, I see beautiful lace, and ribbons, paints and pretty papers and I want to create.

I find inspiration everywhere.

And yet........
I have nothing.

Perhaps I just don't know where to start. I used to love crafts when I was a kid. Maybe I care too much about what people think. Or am too uncertain to spend the money on supplies.

What would I create? How would I start?

And at the end of the day, what would I do with the results of my artistic fever?

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Little Leslie....aka Sista!!!!!
    Relax my friend,,,,let the art come to you... or you can always invest in art magazines...take up scrapbooking and do it your way. Who cares what others think, take pride in your own work. Come and visit me and we will scrapbook together...a good way to begin your journey of artsyness. Begin tomorrow. love your far away friend
