Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Magnetic Leafs

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Well, it finally happened..... the scrabble craft has been completed. Jess came over yesterday morning and together with some green tea (which she didn't enjoy as much as me) we buckled down and began. Like I promised, I have pictures to show. I only wish I had some way to credit the blog I stole the idea from, but alas I have no idea who it was. My apologies. Voila!

That's right. I now have scrabble magnets on my fridge, whereby I can write out any cute message I want! Or leave sweet little phrases for my hubby. Hehe.... I know, I thought it was lame at first too but now I think it's wicked! Thanks Jess for your help!

Meanwhile, I took out the power tools this morning. Remy was so scared she hid in her kennel until I finally finished. You see, for the bathroom vanity I had originally purchased a towel rack that stood up on top of the counter, to hang the hand towels on. As it turns out, folding the towel to put it back on the rack after each use is a nuissance. Isn't it hunny? hehe. So, I realized a little while ago I was going to have to suck it up and attach something to the wall.

While out looking for Tanya's baby gift the other week I came across some hooks that match perfectly!

I learned one thing that's so important I'm passing it on to you... when the angle is awkward and you decide to climb up ontop of the vanity do not brace yourself with your feet in the sink. It's just really not attached that well, even for a little person. I know that now. Luckily, I don't seem to have caused any major plumbing issues underneath but it was a sketchy close call. Could've had disaster written all over it! Focusing on the positive, it's pretty fantastic eh?

Originally, I had planned to put two leaves in the bathroom but I've settled with one. I couldn't let the other leaf go to waste!

We had no where to put keys except the kitchen counter.... until now! In behind you will see the wallboard I talked about in an earlier post. Sexy! 

That's about all the excitement I have to share. Going to run now and make myself a tuna sandwich for lunch, and see if the animals might be up for a walk. Cheers!