Friday, May 7, 2010

Like a champ!

Well she's done it! My baby girl couldn't have surprised me more yesterday, or made me more proud.

Late afternoon, I looked outside at the rarely sighted sun and decided it was time for us to get out for walk 2. And yet, doesn't a special day deserve a special outing? I sure thought so! (At this point I should've listened to my gut feeling, and taken my camera... all I had was my bb)

A few times now I have begun attempting to teach Remy the wonders of fetch. She hadn't caught on to the magic yet.

Now Bear, he loves fetch! Favorite game ever. EVER!

We drove out to the base of Marble Mtn, made up camp on the grass and started. Bear was gung-ho. Remy was confused.

Then I noticed something.... If I threw the ball far enough that Remy got there first, she brought it back just to keep it away from Bear. WIZARD!

After a few more competitive runs, she didn't need big brother! So I could throw one far for her and then toss one closer for Bear in the other direction. I was SO happy. She brought it back, dropped it about 3ft from where I stood, came and sat in front of me waiting for the next one. Proud mother beaming!

So we played until I had two pooped animals. They ran so hard! Tongues dragging on the grass. I figured, before I load them into the truck to drive home I'd take them over to the pond for a drink.

Bear went first, put his feet in and drank some. Remy copied him. I was happy with this, she's so timid with everything and overall it was a positive experience. Then I turn around and what do I see:

Remy is barreling towards me all she can suffer, running straight by me and launching off the bank into the water. Now, she has never swam before in her life - and she just jumped 12ft out into the deep end.

I took a quick stock and realized I had nothing on me that couldn't get wet. I figured when I saw her come up to surface I was swimming in my jeans today.I was laughing and giggling so hard out of pure shock!

When she broke the surface, she had a ~WOAH!~ look on her face and then swam right towards me. Like a pro! Crawling out of the water and shaking off

and then she started to ween a bit because I'm not sure she liked the whole being wet thing.

So Remy learned to play fetch and swam for the first time all in one hour!
The only downside was my hunny couldn't be there to witness it. That just means the next sunny day we will have to go do it again!

1 comment:

  1. just think how proud you'll be when you have human children... you're gonna be such a keener momma... can't wait. hehehehe

    Good job Remy!!
