Wednesday, May 12, 2010

music music ra cha cha

"A Kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous"
- Ingrid Bergman

Isn't that a lovely quote? I came across it earlier in the week, wrote it down and have decided now is the perfect time to share it!

I'm having such a lovely day today, I decided this afternoon I was going to bake a pie. I used to do them fairly often, and yet it seems like forever since we've had one. Today is the day.

Now I remember why.

Here we go, getting started with the pie filled. It's going to be Apple-Raspberry. I know, not a conventional flavor but my favorite is apple, and my hunny's is raspberry. One day I tried combining them and WIZARD!

Next step was to cover it and tuck the corners under. I must say, I'm awfully glad I had enough dough to make the corners extra thick. You'll see why shortly....

and Pop into the oven it goes!

Now, I'm not sure how many of you have done this but partway through the baking you need to cover the edges in tinfoil so that they don't burn while the middle of the pie bakes.
(No, you don't do this for the frozen pies.... hehe)

Oh right! Now I remember! THIS is precisely why I got frustrated making pies. I just cannot ever get the tinfoil to stay around the edge of the pie. Even better, because it has already been baking it's super hot and all my attempts end in scorched fingertips. Screw that!

Yes. That's the pie back in the oven, with no tinfoil. Pie - 1, Leslie - 0

Therefore, the pie ended up slightly more golden than desired but heck not burnt!



So, as you may have noticed - I made a change to my blog. It's a playlist gadget.

I need to know how you feel about it. Yes? No? Are there any issues loading or lag?

The reason I chose to add it was because some of my favorite blogs have this and I find it adds to the experience. Trust me, I had a hard time picking out the songs and order. Did I do alright? Have I forgotten an important Leslie anthem? Please comment with your thoughts. It's not a big deal to change or delete it.

If you want to listen to the playlist, all you have to do is leave this blog open and it will play all the songs entirely, in order. It's wonderful! I've left a few other blogs open while I puttered around the kitchen and enjoyed their musical selection. Wanted to pass the niftyness along!

My hunny left me a note on the fridge recently, this was my reply.

He's so cute! I love him to pieces.


  1. I like this little change Miss Leslie...and don't forget my piece of that pie...only a small one will do...hehehehe

  2. man oh man when the bf and i get a place i totally need to steal that scrabble idea. Love the tuneage and the pie looks wonderful just like you.
