Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a kind, giving, little princess who loved to spend her days in the woods. The forest made her happy. Then one day, an evil gnome approached her and told her that grown-up princesses should have some sort of purpose, and that's what she wanted to be. So she tried picking berries, planting flowers, even singing to the fairies, but none of these seemed right.

One day, while the princess was playing with the bunnies, she was discovered by a handsome prince who fell madly in love. He decided that his life would not be complete unless he had the little princess by his side forever. She left the forest and followed him back to his kingdom with plans of living happily ever after.

But the kind, giving, little princess missed the forest because she still couldn't find her purpose in this new land. In a desperate attempt to help, the prince offered to throw a ball. He would invite all the lords and ladies of the kingdom, to come and propose ideas to the pretty little princess and hopefully she would find her perfect purpose.

The evening of the ball arrived, and the little princess was so excited. Finally, she thought, there is no doubt in my mind I will have found my purpose by the end of the night. The ball came and went, and was a beautiful success. But even though all the prince's people offered up many ideas to the little princess, she hadn't found her purpose.

The morning after, the prince approached the sad little princess and gave her a beautiful kiss. Then he asked her what he had been afraid to ask her since the day they met. Why, little princess, are you looking so hard for a purpose? Because the forest gnome told me I would never be a grown-up princess without one. The prince was shocked, and told the little princess that the gnome was an evil trickster. That everyone loved the little princess, for she was kind and giving. That in order to find her purpose she need only look inside of herself, and not keep searching to please the outside world.

The little princess realized that the prince was right. She knew what kind of person she was all along just by knowing herself. She didn't need the words of the evil gnome to direct her, for that lead to a path of unhappiness, a life of never being satisfied. The princess knew she loved her life very much, and that she could be happy living for her own purposes. She thanked the handsome prince for his kindness and they lived happily ever after. The end.

(All images from google image search)


  1. Awwwww....hope you are feeling better now. You are perfect they way you are...never forget that!!!

  2. umm nice story Leslie..... is this your way of announcing your "happily ever after" ball?
    Is the date set yet? I want pics of the magical princess diamond!
