Good Morning Everyone
Have you noticed we woke up to sunshine this morning?
So, while blog surfing this morning I noticed a blog-game being played. Yes, I'm guilty of reading blogs belonging to people I've never met. In fact, never even exchanged a conversation with. Why, you ask? Because they are fascinating, and therefore worth my attention.
(Plus I do have a tad bit of free time in the mornings lately)
These are two of them:

Now some of these wonderful blogging ladies have a game going. If a person nominated you on their blog, then you are required to write 7 random things about yourself. Then afterwards you nominate someone to do the same on their blog.
These are two of them:
Now some of these wonderful blogging ladies have a game going. If a person nominated you on their blog, then you are required to write 7 random things about yourself. Then afterwards you nominate someone to do the same on their blog.
Now, I know I'm not important enough a blogger to have anyone nominate me - but I have decided to play anyway. Hehe. The key is to share tidbits about yourself that you haven't blogged on before, and that generally most people wouldn't know. Harder than you'd think.
7 Random Facts About Leslie
- Of my few 'favorite posessions' (because I'm not very materialistic), is an old hardcover Anne of Green Gables that my mom gave me when I was young. I believe it had been her childhood copy. The jacket is not in mint condition but it looks loved. I keep meaning to reread it, but haven't since I was a kid. I adored it.
- I used to lay in bed and dream of vacations I would take. Then I would go online, and figure out what hotel I would stay in, how many nights, what restaurants I would eat at, and which places I would visit when I got there. Specifically looking at natural wonders and museums or galleries. Yes, I planned out details of entire trips I would never actually take. Sometimes, even going so far as to pickout airline schedules.
- I am fairly caffeine sensitive. I can drink regular tea in the morning, but once mid afternoon comes along I have to switch to decaf or steamed milk. A suppertime caffeine fix has the potential to keep me silly and wide-eyed until way past our bedtime. Just ask my hunny, who is the recipient of all the rib-pokes and giggle fits.
- When people ask me why I moved from Halifax to Corner Brook, my quick reply is 'I don't like traffic'. I'm pretty sure that sums up alot about me. The Starbucks, Chapters and stadium seating movie theatres just are not worth it.
- If Life is a Game, These are the Rules is a book that changed my life. I have not read it in quite some time, in fact I'm not sure if I still have my copy or if it was lent out and not given back. Could be in a box somewhere. READ IT. Never forget: There are no mistakes, only lessons. Lessons will be repeated until learned.
- I have never done a cartwheel. Ever. I have never eaten a pickle. Ever. If people ask I just say I don't like them.
- Things scare me. Alot. Not in life, but in movies and on tv. I can't handle suspense, I just get too involved. Someone has to watch Harry Potter movies with me, I won't go it alone. I have to cover my eyes and plug my ears if we are at the theatre and they show a preview for a thriller. I am just really sensitive, what can I say?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The End ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ok now my nominees: Yes, I'm picking two.
(which means you now are supposed to go do the same thing on your blog)
Welcome to the Pregame - My friend Gail's super cute account of the year before she turns the big 30
Taking the Scenic Route - My friend Jess's wonderful adventures in life and photography
the fact you have a plan for everything, even a planB should planA of some unlikely scenario unfold....just sayin ;)