Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Joy Riding

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Yesterday, my hunny and I went on an adventure.

I've sold my motorbike because it seemed selfish to keep when the money could go towards something we could all share, like an atv.

Unfortunately, since we got it I haven't been able to go because of my knee. Until now, I've been cleared!

So yesterday afternoon we were both off work, and finally got a chance to go - rain or not. It was my first real time on a quad and boy was I ever in for a new experience.

My hunny did a good job though, he started me out nice and easy.

Then, he took me through some water, which I thought was awesome! Squeeled and everything!

The water started getting deeper...

and we went through a stream!

I came to realize he was just warming me up!
Smart man....

It started getting muddier

and we climbed higher and higher.

Did you know what goes up must come down?

But, look how high up we went! Here is where we live:

It actually poored rain, quite a bit. We were having so much fun it didn't matter!

Up on the top of the hill, the air was so crisp you could taste snow.

I'd have to say the funniest parts of the trip were on the way back when we got a little braver, and ended up in a few precarious situations more than once: hehe

and again...

and again........ hehe

Don't look at me for help, I'm just the journalist. LOL

Oh my. It was a great time! As it turns out, my weather resistant pants are not water proof and I ended up sitting on a wet bottom. Not the most pleasant.

and this morning I started getting crafty!

Will keep you posted. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

1 comment:

  1. i LOOOOOOOVE going on bike. The two times I went to branch for the whole weekend we went and what a time and a half we had...

    I could do it all day long!!!

    I'm uber jealous now
