Thursday, September 9, 2010


It is amazing how easily one can forget a luxury, when you're used to it.

This morning I was reminded how much I appreciate having my own vehicle again. With my hunny's truck in the garage, I got up with him at 5:30am to drive him to work. Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal as my own alarm is set for 5:55am.... however today was the one day this week I didn't have to work until 1pm.... so I would've woken up 7:30am instead. Needless to say, once I got back from the little zip I was wide awake.

What better time to finish my mini-quilt?! In hindsight, perhaps I should have had a cup of tea first.... ohhhhh the headache... hehe

The sandwich is more complicated than you would think. There is also the chance that I didn't perform the task in the proper order, and hence ran into one or two minor issues. That is precisely why it is a learning quilt! Things move. I am not quite sure how, there were pins galore. Sew, sew, sew, wait how did that get over there? Or where did all the fabric go? Or even better, where did all that fabric come from?

I don't have pictures yet, because a) the camera is out in the car and I'm not motivated enough to run out and get it, and b) this lighting would require the flash, which washes all the colour out of the photo. Doesn't make it look as pretty as possible. Right now, the little lesson quilt needs all the help it can get.

Overall, I'm very happy with the weight. I filled with an old heavy flannel type material that auntie gave me. Perfect! I can't wait to show you! Hopefully, I will get the chance in the morning.

Good night everyone!

p.s. As you can see, I've gone ahead and replaced the dog photos with the mini lesson quilt photos. It is such a dark and dingy morning that I ended up using the flash anyway. Darnit! Oh well. Hope you all have a lovely morning! *hugs*


  1. AAAaaaaaaaa,,, Beauuutiful, beauuutiful...and I could dance n sing with happiness !!!... If I could dance n sing !!!!! hahhahahaha... OOO the delight to see this.. and to see your little feet under that? wow, that is one lovely job Honey... you are wonderful. You have such a lovely energy, and we can all take lessons from you ! You keep going , and learn as you go, and you will see such marvellous things in your future days... just wait n see...and I love being able to see what you do ! I love you my sweet girl ! If you need help, call me, any hour !
    Aunt Linda xxx

  2. oh my goodness!!! I have been so distracted by school to keep up with the blogs.. I'm so so so so so proud of you!!! it looks fantastic
