Thursday, September 2, 2010


It has been determined without a doubt.....

next year there will be


In case you haven't guessed, yes, something happened. We were leaning towards this decision anyway, but last night put the icing on the cake.

It was dark by the time we got out to harvest. The broccoli needed to be cut now, before it became over ripe and no good to us. At least cut it would stop maturing so quickly until we got to eat/freeze it. So I held the flashlight while my hunny started hacking away with the knife.

Now, we need a quick side note here. I'm not all that squeamish about bugs. True, I don't particularly like them but I can handle it. I'm generally the one that gets called at work to deal with them, whenever they should arise, and I've squat more than my fair share. In fact, I even caught a miller in our shower and released it outside just the other morning. There is one very certain exception to his rule.


I just.can't.handle.them.

So as he's chopping away in the garden, I thought I saw one or two falling out of the plants. I let it go. Refused to think about it (that's a blessing of the dark). Once or twice I thought I felt something on me where I was holding the freshly cut broccoli but I just gave myself a little shake and refused to think about it. I carried the broccoli inside, grabbed a bowl to put it in, and then proceeded to give my hunny perhaps one of the most entertaining shows of his life.

There were earwigs EVERYWHERE.

Now, you think I'm exaggerating. I'm not.

Being a bit worn out and slightly over tired, I'm not certain my brain handled the shock very effectively. It was more an uncoordinated display of screaming, flapping, jumping, crying, cringing, shaking, pointing, pointing, pointing and finally low volume whining similar to what I've heard come from the dogs. I was rescued. My hunny is amazing. My hero. I had to strip off down to my underwear before entering our bedroom, I had visions of earwigs in my clothes jumping into the carpet.

I just don't do earwigs ....

In another story this morning, I managed to tire Remy out. Yesterday morning she got a solid 45min walk and was still wired when we got home. Last night she got a double lap walk and still wired when she got home. At 8 months I believe her energy levels are on the rise. So this morning, after being inspired by an amazing lady I work with, I decided to be brave. I tried a little bit of easy running. Now it has been over a year and multiple knee injuries since I've kicked up my heals. But this morning, after walking fast I picked up the pace just a smidgen into an easy tiny run. She kept up. We went a few blocks then walked a few blocks. This was repeated a few times. I don't want to work her immature or my out-of-practice legs too hard on the pavement. It went well. And now? She's sleeping and more peaceful than I've seen her in days. YAY!

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!


p.s. I needed to add a note. Corner Brook lost one of it's finest this week, a 21 year old soldier died resulting of an IED blast in Afghanistan. Although I don't believe I ever met him personally, Brian Pinksen was a friend of people I know and my heart grieves for those that knew him. Please click HERE for the cbc news article.

1 comment:

  1. oh honey I HATE earwigs too. thats great to hear about remy.. but I'm more interested to hear how much you enjoyed the run
