Thursday, June 17, 2010

York Harbour Happiness

I'm right now sitting in my Aunt Linda's sun room, and we are eating the most delicious homemade breakfast. She makes pancakes from scratch, and they are mesmerizingly good. I've been annoying her by snapping pictures all morning, but you won't get to see those til tomorrow. All of today's pictures are borrowed from her computer, and she took them within the last few days. She said that if anyone wants the recipe, just say the word and she'll gladly share.

I'm even having a couple pieces of bacon. shh. It's our secret. Everything in moderation, so I'm safe.

Aunt Linda is a huge fan of the blog, so I'm showing her how it works. She even enjoys listening to the soundtrack. So I am letting her choose today's song. I think she's carrying a flame for Barry White, and you might all have to suffer through it. However, perhaps with a little persuasion we will try something new. She says she is certain that behind closed doors, Barry White could do wonders....... (hehe)

At physio yesterday, when I began my exercises they decided I need to work on my balance. Apparently, one way to do this is on a trampoline. Some of you may already know, but I'm terrified of trampolines. It's in the same way that some people are irrationally afraid of spiders or heights or clowns. I cannot stand on a trampoline. I attempted to explain this to the poor physio fellow, who really looked at me like I was cracked. We found another solution that didn't mess with my poor head. I wish you could've seen the look on his face. Yes, I'm partially crazy.

When I went to Dominion yesterday to pickup my aunt's tuna, I thought that I would be a keener and get one of those mealsize chicken blt salads for $4 - a treat for my work lunch. Sure, that was a great idea until you're starving and all you have waiting is lettuce. Honestly, just doesn't hit the spot. It's a good thing that I had also packed some blueberries, a banana and a muffin. And water. No more salads for work lunches, back to cucumber sandwiches.

Well, it's time for me to stop typing and enjoy the last few minutes of my aunt's company. We also have to go pick out today's soundtrack.  She says her favorite song is 'I hope you dance' so I'm going to go find a version and she wants you all to wiggle along. Close your eyes... and imagine....


  1. HI Linda! What lovely pics of the bay. Oh, how i miss the scenery in Western NFLD

  2. Oh I miss Auntie...I am going to have to go visit her.

    And I love that song also...great song!!

  3. Hi Tonya.... Send me your email address and I can send you a few reallyyy breath-taking pics !!.. Hugs and kisses to sweet girl you !!
    Peggy..Come visit, yessssss ! Call me ... how delightful to see comments from you both !!
    Bless you, and bless our Leslie !!
