Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Doggie Berries

Someone I like very much asked me a question yesterday.
At the time I answered automatically. My response was based on rationality, logic and finances.
Void of emotion.

I forgot about it almost as soon as I replied, moved on in the conversation to a new topic.


Would we have more dogs?

I was laying out on the deck, in a miriad of airing dog beds, old pillows and a spare comforter, and I turned my head at just the right momment. What I saw was my little Bear, at eye level with me, guaging the distance from our patio door to the deck. There is a little tiny gap there that gives him the heeby jeebies sometimes. He was deciding how best to navigate his way to be outside with me, and the concentration on his face brought the question back to my mind. My heart filled up with love as I watched the problem and decisions flutter across his expression, and I knew in a heartbeat my answer was truly yes.

Bear has been a big part of me for over seven years. When I watch him sleep I fill up with warmth. When I suspect he is unwell I cannot rest for worry. When I see him happy and playful words can't even describe it.

Remy is our newest addition, as you know. I don't know her heart the way I do Bear's, that comes with time. Her personality is just beginning to develop and she is mom's little instigator angel. She came out with me on the deck, and laid down next to me all tongue hanging out in the heat. I kissed her face all over, her cheeks and her forehead. Then I rubbed down her sleek little body. It's never easy trying to be a good puppy mama, but I think that all things worth having involve effort. If you work hard at it, you appreciate it more. That must be some sort of age old saying. I know that I believe it. Nothing worth having comes easily. Is that it?

Yes. I would have more. Soon as I get more land, more money and more time. Hehehe


On a side note, yesterday my hunny and I planted our first garden box. Regardless of what happens, it is our first gardening attempt together and I'm excited. He informed me that now the box is built, filled and started the rest is in my department. I can handle the responsibility and look forward to nurturing it into growth. We have planted carrots, yellow onions, green onions, celery, broccoli, two kinds of lettuce and spinach. Already we are discussing creating a second box for strawberries next year. Oooo yay the possibilities!


  1. Oh my girl
    I read this today and my heart filled as did my eyes...old sap I am.
    I know your love for Bear and in time Remy will be the same.
    They are two very lucky doggies to have you for their mommy.
    Loves ya and misses ya!!

  2. that dog should have been called Gene.....holy tongue!!!! :)

  3. I agree with montreal!!! holy cripes at remy's tounge lol

    I miss my buddy bear and i can't wait to meet remy someday. I realllly need to try and make it out that was this summer.

    Love you and miss you!!
