Saturday, June 19, 2010

Biking Salmon

We finally did it!

Ok backtracking. My hunny and I had a brilliant idea this spring. Begin biking. This may have all begun with the fact that our favorite coffee shop is attached to a bike shop owned by some people I know. So, we may have done a little of what I call 'sip and shop' ing. Then, we got that extra home renovation tax credit. That's a bonus right? I mean, we don't need to put all that money towards bills. Especially when it's an extra bonus tax credit, and supporting something healthy. Plus, we got a deal. So that was that.

Fast forward until this week. We hadn't really ridden our cute bikes yet. I've decided that of all the possible scapegoats, I'm going to blame it on the weather. We were off thursday afternoon, had a couple hours and the sun was shining. Lets do it!

So we drove the truck out, parked in the marble mountain parking lot, and began biking down marble drive. It was awesomely fun. We giggled about how out of shape we were and the burning in our legs. We tormented each other, and more than once I recall yelling out 'eat my dust'. After goading each other on we ended up at Hammond Farm. Yes, 10km away from the truck, with very tired muscles. Needless to say, it was quite the painful return ride. A few less giggles and a whole lot more grunts and groans. The pace was slower, but we made it back. So our bikes now have 20kms on them, and as soon as the aching stops we'll consider trip 2. 


I have to tell you, I'm so proud of my hunny. He went out fishing today, first chance of the season. When I got home from work I asked if he caught a salmon, to which he replied "yes and no".

Turns out he did catch one but it was such a monster he had to put it back! Too big to keep. Imagine! I'm super proud of him, and am amused now that he's caught the bug. He's hooked! hehehe.



I just have to take a momment to vent about something I find annoying. Why do firefighters get special licence plates for their cars? I completely agree with the veteran plates. These men were willing to sacrifice their lives for us, and dedicated their career to doing just that. I understand that you can support wildlife and get special conservation plates. Even antique auto plates are justified in my eyes. But firefighter plates? It's rediculous as far as I'm concerned. You don't see health workers or hospital emergency workers with special plates. If anyone could explain the reasoning to me that would be great cause honestly, it's just STUPID.


Finally I wanted to end with some words of wisdom I stumbled across today:

“To ask why we need libraries at all, when there is so much information available elsewhere, is about as sensible as asking if roadmaps are necessary, now that there are so very many roads.” - John Bing


  1. Marvelous as always darling. You look super cute in your helmet.
    Miss you!!

  2. well lets see.....I have been pretty poor with the feedback lately so I figure I might as well make up for it.

    1) biking. awesome! I also have to commend you for doing 20km in jeans, probably the most un-athletic-friendly fabric known to man....I would have sweated-out big time after 2k.....

    2) that fish...its so huge its scaring me. I can only dream of getting something so gargantuan on the end of my line. If I get a 6 inch crapfish I figure its worth casting a few more times where I go....

    3) firefighter plates, I assume, would be handy if you are volunteering for a fire or some sort of emergency and had to park in a questionable place, so when whoever the kind soul that is running around donating parking tickets would look the other way.....just a theory. Either that or its some sort of chummy club-like feeling you get for volunteering your time for other folks, at least you get a kewl sticker to put on your license plate...who knows.
