Friday, June 11, 2010

Strawberry Tree

Summer is finally here! I was starting to wonder

(ok maybe not SERIOUSLY)

I was out in the yard this morning, soaking up some sunshine, and enjoying our neighbor's cherry tree when I just had to take a picture and show you.

Our little baby tree has alot to live up to, this one is beautiful and completely covered in blossoms!

This picture is just for Montreal, because he hates flip flops. Thanks to my old lady feet I really can only wear them out around the yard, but while I was taking the cherry tree picture I figured I would snap this one just for him! Hehehe

And we finally have our strawberry planter filled up and hanging.

We used 14 plants, instead of the recommended 15-30. Perhaps someone should ask Remy what happened to the 15th plant we purchased? She's a sneaky one, she is.

This thing cracks me up. I mean, 30 plants in this planter, with daily watering and weekly fertilizing (as per the instructions) of course will grow alot of strawberries! It's rather foolproof isn't it?

Plus, 30 strawberry plants - that's worth $67 (if you get them on sale) ! Do you know how many $2-$3,  1lb clamshells I could buy for that?! Now granted, we are growing these so it's helping out with the carbon footprint and we know any chemicals that might've been used. But still. I giggle at how this is supposed to be so great.

It's time for me to run and get ready for work. I'm trying to shake a headache that seems just way too attached to my noggin this morning. I love you all and hope that you have a lovely day! Hunny, if you see this I love you a zillion times over, and thanks for finishing my garden box yesterday. You're the best!


  1. I love your scrabble pieces btw.. totally gonna steal that idea one of these days

  2. I'm stealing the Scrabble Idea too!
    Luv ya
