source unknown.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bread Butcher
I'm on the hunt.
Have you seen anything like this in a store near you?
It's a bread knife with a wooden guard to ensure even slicing of fresh homemade loaves.
No, I haven't begun baking bread. However, my hunny's dad makes the most amazing homemade stuff that would just blow your mind. Amazing. And thus you can imagine my dismay at seeing the loaf butchered unevenly. *don't look at me!* hahaha. So anyway, I knew someone who had one of these once and now I'm on the hunt. This photo I borrowed from where I can purchase one from California.... but I was hoping for something a little closer.
We've started buying Maple Leaf Natural Selections meat products for sandwiches in our home. Have you seen it in your grocery store yet? Apparently it is made with no preservatives. For example, the ingredients for the oven roasted turkey breast are: turkey, water, sea salt, vinegar, potato starch, lemon juice concentrate, cane sugar, cultured celery extract and spice.
We are also fans of the black forest ham.
I know, maybe it's a gimmick but personally... I like knowing what I'm eating. When I buy processed meat it makes me think of hot dogs - just a mystery. I'm not knocking hot dogs either but don't you wish all ingredients lists were so easy to read?
On a final note, I apparently am going to see Eclipse tomorrow afternoon. My hunny's sis was pretty keen so I agreed to go. Will let you know how it goes.
I can tell it's going to be a good day!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Puppy Dreams
Good morning all you beautiful people~!
So I read all the rest of my free time yesterday (and probably some times when I shouldn't have - like when my hunny decided to make us supper because my nose was stuck in a book). That means when I finally logged back into my blog this morning I saw that I was oh, about a thousand posts away from catching up with the usual lovely ladies I like to read. Ok, maybe not quite that many but it sure seemed like it. How many can I get through before work this morning? haha...
I had the most bizaare dream last night. I woke up this morning with it in my mind and remember it still. The neighbours in the house below us have a new puppy and I heard them calling out to it about a thousand times yesterday. Ok, maybe not quite that many but it sure seemed like it. I think perhaps that was the source of my dream. It went like this: I was out in the yard and came across the little puppy, except that it was missing three of it's paws and it's little tail had been cracked or bitten off. The puppy seemed in fine spirits but obvious need of medical attention. So I took it home with me, and first thing the next morning my hunny and I took it to the vet. The situation was assessed and the puppy's paws would not grow back but it could live without those. Then the vet asked if we were going to keep the rescue, if it was working out or would we like her to take it and find another home. Then I woke up.
I also think part of this dream came from yesterday's realization that I really can't watch those Animal Cops shows. They are always rescuing animals that are in horrifying condition. The small part of the show yesterday that I did watch showed them cleaning out a hoarder's house and there was an iguana with it's tail snapped off just like the puppy's in my dream.
Anyway, I've had better dreams. I think it has taught me a lesson, stay away from rescue shows.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Green Visit
I've missed you, have you noticed my tiny disappearing act?
I've been so busy, trying to fit so much into so little free time.
Put it this way, I didn't even have time to pick up the book I'm so grossly into right now, since last friday!
But I've decided to choose you first, book second this morning.
So much has been going on I don't even know where to start.
My dad showed up 1:30am on saturday morning, and then I went to work that day at 9am-630pm. My really good friend Jacqueline was driving through town and I don't think I've seen her in over a year! She's on a little road trip to see her family on the east coast and we got to have a quick, pleasant visit over a not so quick or pleasant meal. Here's an old picture of the two of us, just so you can see how wonderful she is:
That last image isn't actually mine, I've stolen it from her fb although I don't think she will mind. I can't tell you how happy I was to see her, and for her to meet my hunny. We almost got lost in a moment of sappy missing each otherness but pulled through it. We are sort of sisters really and have shared so many special times. I love her with my heart and although we never seem to talk enough or catch up as much as we should she's my girl.
Ok so back to dad's visit. We spent a bit of time after supper with him on saturday evening (he's staying with me so that makes it alot easier). Then sunday morning I had to getup and work 8am-530pm (UGH!). Last evening we had the rest of the day with dad, doing some visiting and going for the loveliest dog walk in the sun. He got to see first-hand the gorgeous trail system that I've shown you all pictures of before.
Oh, back track! My hunny's dad got home friday suppertime! So we are now fitting in visit time with him as well, because he is only here for a week. He brought me a present! It's called Dragon Pearl green tea and it's from a shop in Montreal. Camellia Sinensis Tea House. They are little tiny balls of chinese green tea and you put them in water and leave it alone to steep, when you come back to drink it you have snakes in the bottom of your teacup! Ok, maybe not really but that's what it looks like. Crazy medusa-hair ish. But of course it's actually green tea leaves. It tastes so fantastic, not bitter at all. No honey necessary just sip and enjoy. BLISS! Honestly, it's the best tea I've ever had in my entire life. That's saying something.
If you want to see the shop (and know where I borrowed that above photo from)
I had a look and couldn't find this exact variety on their website, but I also didn't spend much time looking.
Ok so back to dad's visit. He left this morning for his trip and we will be joining him this upcoming weekend. That's one of the reasons I'm punching the hours now, so I could get a few days off next weekend for my hunny and I to pack up the dogs and go join him.
Also, I finally got my butt in gear and the family photos dad arranged for us to have taken in March (when we had the quick trip to pickup Remy) framed and on the wall. I wanted him to realize how much I appreciated his efforts (and paying for them!). Not just have them tucked away in a drawer somwhere. With his arrival I was determined to have them hung up. I don't know what you're talking about, I've had them on the wall the entire time. Obviously. *wink* And yes, I went and took a photo of photos.
I can tell it's going to be a good day
(sorry for the run-on sentences and possible rambling... just much to do!)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Buttercup Batteries
I prefer not to recharge batteries until they are fully drained, and lately my hunny's little camera (that I constantly kidnap) keeps flashing battery but just won't die. I figured I would kill it today by snapping photos while I took the animals for their morning walk.
Remy exploring in the green:
Bear taking a dip in his drinking hole:
Remy discovering that buttercups are just as awesome as dandilions:
And I came across my first pitcher plant ever. I know, they are our provincial flower but I honestly don't think I have ever encountered one just out in the wild. I took a picture although it didn't turn out very well. Buckled under the pressure I suppose
My dad is coming in another couple of days and I'm so excited. It's too bad I have to work all weekend but I'm off next weekend so we are planning on spending time together then. Can't wait!
Now I have to run and get ready for work.
And would you believe the batteries still aren't dead? HA!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Doggie Berries
Someone I like very much asked me a question yesterday.
At the time I answered automatically. My response was based on rationality, logic and finances.
Void of emotion.
I forgot about it almost as soon as I replied, moved on in the conversation to a new topic.
Would we have more dogs?
I was laying out on the deck, in a miriad of airing dog beds, old pillows and a spare comforter, and I turned my head at just the right momment. What I saw was my little Bear, at eye level with me, guaging the distance from our patio door to the deck. There is a little tiny gap there that gives him the heeby jeebies sometimes. He was deciding how best to navigate his way to be outside with me, and the concentration on his face brought the question back to my mind. My heart filled up with love as I watched the problem and decisions flutter across his expression, and I knew in a heartbeat my answer was truly yes.
Bear has been a big part of me for over seven years. When I watch him sleep I fill up with warmth. When I suspect he is unwell I cannot rest for worry. When I see him happy and playful words can't even describe it.
Remy is our newest addition, as you know. I don't know her heart the way I do Bear's, that comes with time. Her personality is just beginning to develop and she is mom's little instigator angel. She came out with me on the deck, and laid down next to me all tongue hanging out in the heat. I kissed her face all over, her cheeks and her forehead. Then I rubbed down her sleek little body. It's never easy trying to be a good puppy mama, but I think that all things worth having involve effort. If you work hard at it, you appreciate it more. That must be some sort of age old saying. I know that I believe it. Nothing worth having comes easily. Is that it?
Yes. I would have more. Soon as I get more land, more money and more time. Hehehe
On a side note, yesterday my hunny and I planted our first garden box. Regardless of what happens, it is our first gardening attempt together and I'm excited. He informed me that now the box is built, filled and started the rest is in my department. I can handle the responsibility and look forward to nurturing it into growth. We have planted carrots, yellow onions, green onions, celery, broccoli, two kinds of lettuce and spinach. Already we are discussing creating a second box for strawberries next year. Oooo yay the possibilities!
Monday, June 21, 2010
~ Pocketful of Posies~
I used to hate it. Have a real problem with it. Avoid it and ocassionally even point it out as a flaw on others.
I think in some ways I found it embodied traits that I just couldn't stand.
I was that age where image was important and I didn't want to be a stupid girlie girl.
People needed to see me as independant, intelligent and not fluff.
Perhaps with experience comes wisdom and a broadening of opinion.
And there is no reason not to involve the color pink in the process.
It's cute. And helps me feel pretty. A little pink never hurt anyone, in fact I rather like it now.
Embracing my girlie side never felt so wonderful.
Next comes the lace!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Biking Salmon
We finally did it!
Ok backtracking. My hunny and I had a brilliant idea this spring. Begin biking. This may have all begun with the fact that our favorite coffee shop is attached to a bike shop owned by some people I know. So, we may have done a little of what I call 'sip and shop' ing. Then, we got that extra home renovation tax credit. That's a bonus right? I mean, we don't need to put all that money towards bills. Especially when it's an extra bonus tax credit, and supporting something healthy. Plus, we got a deal. So that was that.
Fast forward until this week. We hadn't really ridden our cute bikes yet. I've decided that of all the possible scapegoats, I'm going to blame it on the weather. We were off thursday afternoon, had a couple hours and the sun was shining. Lets do it!
So we drove the truck out, parked in the marble mountain parking lot, and began biking down marble drive. It was awesomely fun. We giggled about how out of shape we were and the burning in our legs. We tormented each other, and more than once I recall yelling out 'eat my dust'. After goading each other on we ended up at Hammond Farm. Yes, 10km away from the truck, with very tired muscles. Needless to say, it was quite the painful return ride. A few less giggles and a whole lot more grunts and groans. The pace was slower, but we made it back. So our bikes now have 20kms on them, and as soon as the aching stops we'll consider trip 2.
I have to tell you, I'm so proud of my hunny. He went out fishing today, first chance of the season. When I got home from work I asked if he caught a salmon, to which he replied "yes and no".
Turns out he did catch one but it was such a monster he had to put it back! Too big to keep. Imagine! I'm super proud of him, and am amused now that he's caught the bug. He's hooked! hehehe.
I just have to take a momment to vent about something I find annoying. Why do firefighters get special licence plates for their cars? I completely agree with the veteran plates. These men were willing to sacrifice their lives for us, and dedicated their career to doing just that. I understand that you can support wildlife and get special conservation plates. Even antique auto plates are justified in my eyes. But firefighter plates? It's rediculous as far as I'm concerned. You don't see health workers or hospital emergency workers with special plates. If anyone could explain the reasoning to me that would be great cause honestly, it's just STUPID.
Finally I wanted to end with some words of wisdom I stumbled across today:
“To ask why we need libraries at all, when there is so much information available elsewhere, is about as sensible as asking if roadmaps are necessary, now that there are so very many roads.” - John Bing
Friday, June 18, 2010
YH Part II
As promised, I'm going to pass along to you today some of the pictures that I took on my trip down to Auntie's yesterday. Seeing as how we are staying with the same theme as the last post, I'm going to leave Auntie's music choice playing as well. Seems fitting.
Bear loves road trips and was pretty gungho, tucked in the back seat with his sister.
On the drive down, I always keep my eyes open for Copper Mine Brook. Something about it just excites my imagination. You can see the remnants of mining days right alongside the road. If you feel like hiking up the mountain, there's a trail you can take which will bring you to all sorts of intriguing finds. Leftover rail carts and tracks, all just sitting there. They've rusted out pretty badly by now, but the few times I have been up there I couldn't help but imagine all sorts of wild west mining scenarios. (Yes, I know. I live on the east coast of the country, but it's the west coast of the island!)
York Harbour beach is always beautiful.
Auntie brought her dog skipper over, and the three animals got to have fun on the beach together. Now if only I could get Remy to stop eating things, my poor nerves. Haha.
Auntie and I had tea and blogged together in her sun room. It was delightful!
and now I really must run. I find myself so rushed lately, and it's such a negative feeling. Things need to be done before I hustle off to work. Hope that everyone has a lovely day, and I can't wait to tell you tomorrow about me and my hunny's biking adventure. Haha!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
York Harbour Happiness
I'm right now sitting in my Aunt Linda's sun room, and we are eating the most delicious homemade breakfast. She makes pancakes from scratch, and they are mesmerizingly good. I've been annoying her by snapping pictures all morning, but you won't get to see those til tomorrow. All of today's pictures are borrowed from her computer, and she took them within the last few days. She said that if anyone wants the recipe, just say the word and she'll gladly share.
I'm even having a couple pieces of bacon. shh. It's our secret. Everything in moderation, so I'm safe.
Aunt Linda is a huge fan of the blog, so I'm showing her how it works. She even enjoys listening to the soundtrack. So I am letting her choose today's song. I think she's carrying a flame for Barry White, and you might all have to suffer through it. However, perhaps with a little persuasion we will try something new. She says she is certain that behind closed doors, Barry White could do wonders....... (hehe)
At physio yesterday, when I began my exercises they decided I need to work on my balance. Apparently, one way to do this is on a trampoline. Some of you may already know, but I'm terrified of trampolines. It's in the same way that some people are irrationally afraid of spiders or heights or clowns. I cannot stand on a trampoline. I attempted to explain this to the poor physio fellow, who really looked at me like I was cracked. We found another solution that didn't mess with my poor head. I wish you could've seen the look on his face. Yes, I'm partially crazy.
When I went to Dominion yesterday to pickup my aunt's tuna, I thought that I would be a keener and get one of those mealsize chicken blt salads for $4 - a treat for my work lunch. Sure, that was a great idea until you're starving and all you have waiting is lettuce. Honestly, just doesn't hit the spot. It's a good thing that I had also packed some blueberries, a banana and a muffin. And water. No more salads for work lunches, back to cucumber sandwiches.
Well, it's time for me to stop typing and enjoy the last few minutes of my aunt's company. We also have to go pick out today's soundtrack. She says her favorite song is 'I hope you dance' so I'm going to go find a version and she wants you all to wiggle along. Close your eyes... and imagine....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Blackberry Cleanup
Before running off to work, I wantd to share some treasures I found with you.
I decided to plug-in my blackberry and see what photos I might have snapped and forgotten lately.
Score! (Sorry if the quality is a bit poor, but it is a phone).
Yes Remy is in the kennel underneath Bear. She might be bigger than him, but I guess he wants to show her who's boss. Haha. Or else he just has a better view from the top.
A few weeks ago we ran into some of our friends, who were puppy sitting some newborn maltese.
The rest is photo history
Luckily, we already have two animals and that is more than enough for me.
A little while back we took the dogs up to the top of Massey Drive for a bit of fetch.
Change of scenary.
That is where I snapped these adorable pictures.
Ok, and last story:
The other day when I went to take the animals for a walk around the Corner Brook Stream trail I realized that I didn't have Remy's car kennel. It was in my hunny's truck. I decided to risk it. For the first time ever I put Remy in the back seat with Bear, no kennel. I wasn't planning on leaving them alone, unattended in the car. It was just to run a few kms down the street, go for a walk, and then drive home. What do you think she did?
Yup. That's mommy's angel.
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