Man oh man, the days are getting shorter. It was practically still dark while I was walking Remy this morning (who prompty came home, curled up with her brother on their pillow and passed out cold). If the batteries never managed to mysteriously disappear out of the camera, I'd probably take a picture for you.. (hehe....*dig*) Love you!
My hunny and I were out at the garden last night, and I decided it was high time you had an update. We were also bouncing some questions back and forth and I figured it would be a perfect opportunity to ask you all for your thoughts and knowledge on the subject. Or perhaps you are like us, and learning as we go. Either way, I figured you were due photos of SOMETHING and so you're getting vegetables. Speaking of days getting shorter, these were taken last evening, around 8:30pm.
So as you may recall from previous posts, this is our little garden box.
On to the questions...
These are our carrots. Are they too close together or will they be fine like this? Is it too late to thin them out further, will doing so possibly damage the carrots we are leaving behind?
Our sweet green onions are growing bulbs (and our yellow dutch cooking onions aren't showing any signs of bulb growth at all... haha). Will we be able to eat these like regular onions? I'm sure going to give it a try...
I just wanted to show off the brocoli. It's finally growing after the plants have taken over half the garden box. We are thinking that these plants may also be the reason the celery growth isn't getting anywhere. They are just a vegetable garden bully.
And that about does it for the veggies. I asked my hunny if next year's project, along with this garden box of course, would be a strawberry plant box or raspberry bushes. He told me both. I think someone is getting a bit hooked! Honestly though, I just love it. We run out almost every evening and pick our salad. What gets better than that?!
I managed to snap a cute couple pictures of little Bear. Since these are a rarity (he usually looks rather stoned and disheveled in photos) I wanted to share with you.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day! Keep smiling...and thanks for dropping by!
Hi... Eat the peas as they r..pods n all..they are sweet anyway and if u chew the vitamins out of em and spit out any touger parts after a good chew... so what.. right? wash n chew..try one tomorrow !
ReplyDeleteBroccoli needs a place of it's they get so demanding for space.
The carrots are fine as they are,.... they will grow anyway and just snuggle like a loving couple in bed until you pick em.
The peas would be nice in your salad or stir fry or ANYTHING.
Your onions will be LOVELY...usually sweet n gorgeous and have em like you would any onion. let me know how u like em?? You could pull up one to try any day now. I think they will grow bigger . If we have alot of rain coming, it will make a difference to em.
Your lettuce? I think you are a creative champ !
I love you MUCHLY , my sweet girl. Anything I can do for you?? need anything??? Let me know.
Aunt Linda xxx