I've been slack in writing, I know. My back is still causing some issues, so I don't seem to be sleeping well. Energy Zap.
I was asked yesterday how the garden is doing, and it occured to me that I haven't updated you on our growing vegetables in awhile.
The brocoli are practically trees! Our carrots are coming along nicely as well. Most nights now, we mosey out into the yard and pick our salad for supper. It's wonderful! We never did get anywhere with the spinach. I firmly believe this is because we simply planted it too late in the season. It's a cold weather crop, so by not giving it a chance to mature before the heat hit, it just couldn't thrive. If any of the seedlings are still struggling by fall perhaps we will see some life from those plants then. No worries, we learned our lesson.
I searched the website itself for their own description and here's what I found:
Etsy is the world's most vibrant handmade marketplace. Etsy celebrates individual creativity in design and craftsmanship by connecting unique people, stories and items in a playful and meaningful way. Etsy provides a marketplace for crafters, artists and collectors to sell their handmade creations, vintage goods and crafting supplies. (Source: Etsy)
Now, I'm not a huge online shopper. I think that some of you aren't either. However, this place is a treasure chest of ideas. If you have a few momments to sit down with a good cup of tea, and perhaps are unable to read my blog that day because I have not updated it, Ladies..... go see Etsy
More things than you can even imagine are being made and collected by wonderful women just like you. I found this website through one of my favorite blogs, and she has her own Etsy Store. A Bushel and a Peck
Here are some lovely snippets of her creativity:
There you have it. Go browse and do some window shopping. I would love to be able to make bags like these. I think that means I will have to eventually buy one just so I can see how she does it. Hehe, what a fun thought!
Have a wonderful day everyone! As soon as I'm feeling up to going out for some of my own adventures, I will tell you all about them...
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