Friday, August 13, 2010


Been having stupid computer problems.

I installed a new security feature and ever since it began, my internet useage has practically ended. I am started to think the security part is the fact that I won't be able to use the internet at all.

I was daydreaming today about our next house. Imagining how great it would be to have the opportunity to just go out in the yard and play with the dogs. As it is now, we have to get in the car and go drive somewhere when we want to horse around. Our house is way too small inside, and although we have enough grass to mow it isn't enough for dog play. Perhaps if it were all fenced in but still, it's not much.

However, this is a town of no yards. In fact, we have more yard than many houses I see in the area. Around here, homes that had back yards now have houses in them. Houses behind houses. It's hard to explain. Picture a house, with a driveway beside it that goes into the backyard, where there is another house. All over the place. I'd never seen the likes, until I moved here.

On a positive note, we have a house and a yard. So don't for a moment think I'm complaining. I'm happy as a peach here. I was just day dreaming.... hehe


The song I'm picking for this post is special to me. I can't explain it, but there is something about this song that I just love. It takes me back to Montreal. Listening to the Jeffrey Gaines version on my mp3 player, walking up and down the streets exploring. Texting my soon to be amazing friend, Montreal, asking the typical tourist questions which he happily found me answers to. So although this song doesn't remind me of him directly, it remind me of the city .... which then of course brings my brain around to him and how awesome a friend he is. Is it possible to feel homesick for somewhere that in fact you've never actually lived? Thinking at that point that I was the happiest girl in the world, not knowing that things could get even better. Soul overflowing with joy at life in general. Perhaps that's why everytime I hear this song, my heart sings.


  1. looking at pics of myself is always a painful least in one I can hide behind a cup with a piece of quasi-wisdom on it... :) For you readers that haven't met Little Leslie in person, she is a 5foot-n-change enthusiasm-on-legs adventure magnet. Little details take on a meaning of their own, the obscure becomes the obvious. Discovery and cheek-aching smiles are on the menu whenever she is around. She is the most complete person I have ever met.

  2. These pics are awesome...not that I havent seen them before. And yes, Montreal, you described her to a tee...
