Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have to begin this morning with an apology. If you will recall, I may have made a little dig yesterday about camera batteries being missing. Well, my hunny did remove them,but for a good cause. He wanted to charge them up for me overnight, so I could keep taking pictures. When all this came to light last evening, and I realized he was just being the thoughtful sweetheart he always is... I figured I'd better do him right and set things straight. hehe oops! My bad..... love you!

What did we do after work yesterday? Went to Marble for fetch!

I can only imagine how hyper some puppies must get locked up all day. We are lucky (or I should say our dogs are!) because it doesn't happen often. Usually with the difference in our schedules, they are only kenneled for a few hours per day. However, occasionally there are one or two days where my hunny and I work at the same times and they are stuck alone all day. As you know, these days begin with early morning walkings, but when we get home at suppertime - Remy is!

It was a gorgeous evening, so we decided what better way for her to tire herself out than a little fetch. Life's favorite game! Plus, unlucky for the dogs, they are also alone quite a bit today too. So this way they won't have any residual energy leftover from yesterday's day inside to carry into today. That was my theory. (I know, I think too much...hehe)... Ok and maybe I really just wanted to go play!

Now we always play with two balls, one per animal. Remy is getting goooood. Sometimes we give her a rest by hitting the ball straight up. She follows it like a hawk. Quite often she lets it land, bounce once and then she catches it. No sooner had I said "Soon she will be able to catch them before they hit the ground" and she did it! In fact, if I recall correctly, she did it twice! That girl never ceases to amaze.

Another time, I had both the dogs with me (a ball in each mouth) and Bear dropped his first. So, I picked it up with the intention of giving it a little toss aside, to get him out of the way so that I could take hers and smack it far with the racquet. He doesn't require the distances that she does. Literally, it happened so fast I almost missed it. In the split second it took me to pick his ball up and toss it aside, she dropped her ball, lunged in front of bear and snatched it right out of the air about a foot from from my hand. I just burst out laughing because it all happened so fast! Meanwhile, Bear was looking at me like "where did it go?!". Hunny actually photographed it too, and he still didn't see it - she was that fast!

Haha. It was a wonderful time. When we first started coming to Marble for fetch, it was because we had to give up our usual dog running spot - Prince Edward Park. You see, it's a campground and was opening for the season. I didn't know what we were going to do in substitution. Now we have so much fun playing at Marble on the lawn that I'm pretty sure even when the park closes to campers in the upcoming fall, we will keep coming back here too. Especially once it is too cold for all the flies...!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day! On friday, Bear and I are both getting haircuts. No not at the same place... haha. Excited!



  1. I'm so far behind in my blog reading!! what a happy looking picture of bear! I miss you guys!
    how much hair ya choppin off? I've been thinking about cutting mine too but the problem is, its easier to handle when its shoulder length, but I like my curls so much better when its longer... ahhh the decisions.. lol

  2. oh, and you too. I haven't yet met your man.
