Friday, August 20, 2010


Remy walked. Check.

Dogs fed. Check.

CTV news channel on. Check.

Green tea steeped and sitting in a mug next to me for the very necessary cooling off period. Check.

Perfect morning.

I had a brilliant idea the other day (as I so often do.... hehe) that I was going to give our towels some much needed love. I believe I filled you in once before on their very sad state of existence. So I made a point of stopping for a small bottle of bleach on my way home from dog walking. On a side note here, bleach doesn't come in small bottles. Even the tiniest one I could purchase was most definitely a jug. Anyways....

As Peggy could tell you, I really don't handle the smell of bleach well. It has always bothered me. So I was being a tough cookie on a mission. Taking auntie's idea in mind of the brilliance of bleach, I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Fill up my bathtub, pour in some bleach and then add towels. This way the towels could soak and whiten, and the tub could sparkle. Sounds genius right?

A little while later the towels looked the exact same. So I added some more bleach.

After a few hours, the towels looked the exact same. Fine, I figured, I'll just wash them like normal. Maybe they'll be whiter after that. So I drained out the water. What did that leave me? A tubful of soaking wet towels. If you've never been in my house, you wouldn't know that the laundry is down over some not-so-wide stairs in the basement. Water-logged towels are HEAVY. I had to try to wring them out and then bring them down about 2 or 3 at a time in a laundry basket.

Set the washing machine going and wait.

When it had stopped I went back down, flung back the lid in anticipation and was disapointed yet again. Brown towels. So I didn't even put them in the dryer, just walked away from that mess.

(There's probably a reason that my hunny does the laundry in our house! hehe....)

After visiting mom to watch the news (it was my day off, the only day I get to see it), she gave me a brilliant idea. You can leave them in the washer and let them soak by not closing the lid. Not only that, but she said if they're badly soiled I should use warm water. Brilliant!

So, good thing I never put them in the dryer yet eh? That's what I thought!

I filled up the washer with warm water, poured in the bleach and went and made supper. Then later allowed them to wash.

When it stopped I ran back down, flew back the lid in anticipation and was happy! Whiter towels!! Needless to say I did put those in the dryer. There wasn't a whole lot of oooing and awwwing but I know one thing - I have cleaner towels! And I learned something new about bleach..... thanks ma!

1 comment:

  1. hehe we use hot water at work whenever bleaching...huggsss - casie
