Monday, August 2, 2010


There was a lighthouse.

I saw the sign for the Cape Anguille Lighthouse Inn at the beginning of our trip... well, towards the end of the driving. I asked where it was, and was told close by.

Our day went by wonderfully. Perfectly. Secretly, I was hoping that at the end of our visit we might take the few minutes and drive the extra distance so I could see it. Snap a few pictures to share with you. I like lighthouses, and so does one of my good friends.

On the way back from supper, while stopped at the beach so the animals could have sand-run #2 of the day, Dayson asked if there was anything else I'd like to see. I brazingly suggested the lighthouse, and my wish was granted! He just said "follow me, next stop lighthouse!".

Now, I had been snapping photos all day without a care. One has to catch family on film (figuratively speaking), whenever one can. Especially when visits are few and far between. As we could just see the lighthouse in the distance I snapped an 'approaching' photo. Then my camera battery died. Just like that. There were so many amazing camera opportunities in the next 20 minutes and all I had was my poor blackberry. So I will keep these images small to try and prevent blurriness.

That's a lighthouse and sun setting in the background behind this beautiful horse. And my camera battery dead! AGH the pain.

Oh and there was also a fellow being driven in his cart down the street by a horse, but my bb was too slow and caught the cart without the horse part. Not so exciting

I also just went through my pictures and found two more I wanted to share. This little cutie's name is rascal, and he was pretty determined to give Remy an education. I know, she's a hot little redhead but we just couldn't let him get a chance. Lily did her best to give him some good lovin though!

During the drive home we had some pretty pooped puppies. I would like to proudly say that I managed to stay awake the entire way. I love going on adventures!

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