I am quite certain it would beat any vacation down to Cuba or the Dominican.
It was hot, sunny, and my hunny and I were both off work. That's an equation for perfection, if I've ever seen one.
What to do .....? Why, go to the beach of course!
And what better beach for us to choose than Bottle Cove!
It's about an hour away, and we had the entire place to ourselves. What better opportunity to teach Remy a few things, have the dogs tire themselves out, and let the adults (us!) play in the water and the sun. It was amazing!
First Remy Lesson: It's Called a Stick.
Up until today, Remy was uninterested in fetching anything other than the blue racquetball balls we play with. I'd tried her with a stick before, and had zero success. Until today, when I had the opportunity to change all that. She wasn't seeing it at first. Her eyes didn't pick it up, until I threw it into shallow water. There the contrast was enough for her to see the stick and go after it. With proper positive reinforcement, and a few trials, she was soon bringing it back to us. Wizard!
Second Remy Lesson: Swimming is ok.
As you may recall, Remy gave herself a bad water fright when she was a young pup. Although humorous to us, it has left its mark on her. Since then, we have been patiently supporting getting her feet wet. None the less, it has been a work in progress. We don't live close enough to water (or have enough free time / nice weather) that it is easy for us to get alot of access to these exercises. Today was perfect. Armed with a bathing suit and flip flops, we began. I picked my little girl up and carried her out into deeper water. When her heart calmed down. I placed her into the water and she swam into her dad on the shore. Lots of positivity and praise, this was repeated. And repeated. Her heart beat began to calm, and her strokes became less frantic. Our little girl was finally swimming on her own.
Third and Final Remy Lesson: Sticks Float in Water
I cannot express how proud we are of our girl today. The best part was when we could put together all her progress, and play. Throwing the stick out into the water, so she would swim out on her own, fetch it and bring it back. We started close, with one of us out there with her to offer comfort and support. Every step that she took bringing her out over her head, each swimming stroke, my hunny and I just looked at each other and beamed with pride. It finally was happening and she was loving it! Our little girl was swimming on her own, fetching a stick in the water and bringing it back to us on shore. BLISS!
It was a perfect day. We didn't spend all of it at the beach, we decided to pull out just as people began to show up. That's what I call excellent timing. This beach is close enough that we can get to it without jeopardizing our entire day, but far enough that no one really goes there. I love the ocean, the smell, the way it feels on my skin and the texture it gives my hair. I love how excited it makes the animals, how much fun they have playing in their freedom. I love watching my hunny smile.
My hunny and I have already decided that if we get even a nice afternoon off together, we will try to head out and play this way again. As a puppy, sometimes she learns things and then forgets without practice. Although it takes alot less time to relearn the second time, I would like her to get the chance sooner rather than later. Fall is coming, and with that weather too cool for mom to get wet. The other night it went down to 4 degrees! and yet, I still needed sunblock today. Go figure.
I hope you are all as excited for our girl as we are. I cannot forget Bear though. He was a great little boy today. Bear has no fear of running in and out of the water, and although not a great swimmer he does have fun getting wet! Digging or rolling in the sand, he played until passing out. Which is where he still is right now...
I'm the happiest girl in the world.
what a wonderful day! YAY for Remy!!