In fact, faster.
Fresh Raspberries.
Today, I tried something new. U-Pick. The bucket was filling up so slowly, I swear the cuddly bunny that I saw must of eaten all the berries in my row. Rob and Mom had me beat. Pretty impressively. I tried to tell them that I was all about quality not quantity, but I'm not sure they were convinced. Haha!
It poured rain almost the entire time. We got soaking wet. I had so much fun! There was a little booth where you paid, and they had all sorts of jams and jellies. Excitedly, I went for a look. Then I saw that they were products of Ohio. Explain that one?! I really felt that was inappropriate and sad.... I did get to see one full rainbow, and no matter how I tried could not fit it into a photo. It looked like a postcard.
Don't they look delicious? I have to admit though, I now understand why raspberries are so expensive to purchase fresh. It was a bit of work, luckily there were 3 of us! Being my first time, hunny suggested perhaps I was just being too picky. I giggled that he should consider me being picky a good thing, I chose him! Hehe.
p.s. this song reminds me of the movie 50 First Dates, which I love! Just wanted to share....
I've never been to a u-pick... mom always said they should weigh people too cause they eat more than goes in the bucket lol