Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It must be some sort of security day, because the two websites I tried to login to (fb and this one) both asked me to update my security info before letting me proceed. This site actually asked for my cell number. Nice try guys.

So, I'm trying to get into facebook and it asks me to put in a security question and answer.
I selected: What is the first name of the first boy or girl you kissed?

I answered and submitted.

Ok, I thought perhaps I wasn't supposed to put a capital letter for his name, so I retyped it in lower case and resubmitted.

Well, I don't know about you, but I remember who the first guy was that I ever kissed! I can't exactly pick a different answer, and really I don't see what's wrong with the person I'm putting in. Were they hoping for a girl's name? haha

Guess I will have to pick a different question, sorry buddy.

I just saw a commercial for Yogi Bear FISH OILS, with footage from the soon coming Yogi Bear movie. Somehow, I never would've put those two together.

I plan on relaxing today. I need to relax. I went to walmart before 6am, looking to pickup my last few stocking stuffers. In fact, my mental list only had 2 items (although you KNOW I left with more than those). Actually, I never even got those! I searched but they didn't seem to have either of them. Darnit!

Have a great day everyone!


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