Sunday, December 12, 2010


She's up!

Our new camera is still having issues, but the tree is up!!

and I had a little helper (besides my hunny of course! hehe....)

No my hair is not red. Have I mentioned we are having camera issues? ha!

Oh! and Remy has finally begun her first (and last!) cycle. My smart hunny has jimmyrigged a way for us to get through it, and here's hoping it doesn't last too long for her.

Bear gets his haircut monday!

Hope that you all had a great weekend!


p.s. as much as I LOVE Christmas, I find work wearing me out to the point that I'm counting down til it's over. I'm not sure that's a positive thing. Just getting used to it I suppose, and less than 2 weeks to go! LOL

1 comment:

  1. So i completly abonded my own blog because of lack of time with school but i feel so so awful for not keeping up with yours either.

    i love the tree and the puppers look so so cute.

    I miss you!!

