Got it. The inevitable headache has hit, always the morning after I work a late night. After this week there is only one more week of Christmas hours - woot! - which means Christmas is next week too! Can you believe it?
I need more cards.
In case you haven't figured it out (Auntie actually did last night - smart cookie), I'm in a contest. My hunny's mom and I are racing to see who gets the most Christmas cards. She's not very aware of this contest, perhaps entirely as a result of her confidence in winning.
My hunny and his sister are trying to console what they believe may be my inevitable loss, I think. Telling me how her family is huge, and my hunny's dad's family is huge and they've been sending them out longer. But people, I refuse to believe I cannot make up for that fact with a whole lot of EFFORT.
Last year we sent out cards, but we'd only been in this house a few months and I can understand people didn't know how to track us down. So I clearly wrote our return address on each and every envelope, as a help. This year, I made sure that our address was still clearly put on every envelope we sent out. Overall, I'd say about 45 went this time. Seriously. Ho Ho Ho.
Now, I figured there was one final effort contribution I could make, an edge I could give myself that hunny's mom wouldn't bother with - the facebook daily countdown. Yes people, it's a REMINDER not to forget us, cause I love to win. Almost as much as I love Christmas cards! hehe
Perhaps I have no shame, not when it comes to healthy competition. and it's all in good fun (As long as I win!!) hehehe... Kidding....
Do YOU have my address? (wait, do I have yours?!).
I think the real victim here is the poor postal worker.
The one that I listen for, like a hawk, every morning.
The one that the minute I hear him, I fly to the door and fling it open like a hooligan!
I wonder if I've almost given him a holiday heartattack yet.
If carrying all those Christmas cards hasn't managed to do so already.
Hope everyone has a great thursday!
p.s. Yes, I have washed my hair since it was straightened, so no it's no longer straight anymore.
p.p.s. with Remy on her cycle now, she isn't making for a very contained walker. Oh my goodness.
p.p.p.s. I was feeling particularly evil and I called Montreal early this morning, just cause I was missing him.
Here's hoping my hunny gets off early today, so we can hang out.
what a cute little snuggle picture of you and remy!!