Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Good morning everyone!

Worked on the CARS quilt this morning again. Boom Baby! It's my new 6am-7am activity. I plunk my butt down in front of the patio doors, lose myself a little in feeding material into the sewing machine, and wait for the light to rise.

When I can see the trees outside, it's time to walk Remy. I like this new arrangement, saving the morning fresh air time til when it's light out. Soon enough it'll be dark going to work, and dark leaving work - one needs to take advantage of light when it's available. It's pitch black out at 6am. and a peaceful time for quilting.

I have a sore throat. Not so sweet.

When I stopped into Dominion on the way home yesterday, I saw pomegranates! I automatically thought of my friend Jess. I miss her, but she's coming back to us in January (woot!). It's pretty exciting that pom season it coming up, although those I saw last evening looked like they might've been leftover from last year. Sketchy little buggers. First poms, then yummy clementines. I LOVE FALL!

While walking from the fresh produce, down to the milk, I glanced around me in the healthy foods section. Now, don't get me wrong, I eat some of the healthy foods too (organic, glutein free etc), however on the discount counter they had 50% reduced condoms. Two different varieties in fact. Firstly, I felt like they were perhaps being displayed in the wrong section (would the people over looking at condoms in the pharmacy ever think to look there? no.), secondly, who buys clearance condoms? To be reduced, I would think they must be close to expiry, or expired. Would you take the risk? If condoms expire, I would think that it's an integrity of product issue. I repeat, would you take the risk? It's on my weird list, right up there with when stores putting pregnancy tests on sale.

Dogs are napping, I'd better go hop in the shower and get myself in gear.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day! Dad arrives in 3 more sleeps. YAY!


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