I may not have gotten a photo of my hunny getting his moose, but I did get a photo of the meat hanging. So if you are sensitive perhaps quit now - before looking below this text.
First I will show you something fun. In case you weren't aware, when you take a photo with canon it automatically names it in numerical order. That is how I knew our dying cameras were around 5000 photos each. Well, when I transferred a few photos last night from our new canon, this one was titled "IMG_0001". ha!
Followed by a cute IMG_0002
and a hunny that doesn't enjoy getting his photo taken.... hehe
Ok, now for the moose pics. It does look like good meat I must say. With getting my hunny's animal already, we've decided to put off getting mine. There really is no rush with the extension of the season, and my either sex licence. Hopefully, we will be able to play a little on the snow when we go in for it. Bring on the snow!
Mmmm.... Roast.....Time for me to get ready for work. Hope you all have a lovely day!
I can taste those Moose burgers....Delicious...Aunt Gerry